12...The Boy With Monster Strength

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Tristin stood across from his opponent. David Elric is his name. He spoke with an Australian accent. His skin was a smooth brown and he had gray hair and blue eyes. He casually ate blue ice cream out of a glass dish.
"Hey, dude? You know we have a fight to start here?" Tristin said with his arms crossed.
"I know. It'll only take one second." David said.
"Hey dummy, who do you think you are keeping my brother waiting!?" Jared yelled.
David looked at Jared with a serious look in his face.
"Once I'm done with your brother, you're next. Loud mouth." He calmly said.
Jared felt his heart rate increase.
That-That son of a bitch!
"Jared, don't sweat that guy. Tristin will take care of this scrawny punk." Luisa whispered to Jared, who was shaking mad from the threat.
David finally finished his ice cream and tossed the dish.
"I apologize. I was eating before I was called into this match up. Throwing it away would just be disrespectful to myself. Food is to be eaten, not trashed." David said wiping his mouth.
"Look guy, I don't care" said Tristin. "You just threatened my brother. Now, it's time I kick your ass."
David stood there casually with one hand in his pocket of his red hoodie that he wore open with nothing underneath.
"This guy's just standing there all nonchalant!" Tristin thought to himself. "Fine, I'll make the first move!"
Tristin reached in his pocket and grabbed a hand full of rocks.
"Why's he doing that?" Luisa asked.
"In the event that the stage a Terramancer is battling in has no solid ground beneath where he/she stands, it is always a good idea to keep rock on you somewhere to use at your own will." Natsu explained.
"But they're not floating or anything. Just throwing regular rock won't do a thing, right!?" Luisa continued.
Natsu shook his head with a confident smile on his face.
Tristin clenched the rocks in his hand tightly. He then ran at David punching him. David blocked every punch with just one hand, still having his other hand in his pocket.
"What the hell is with this guy!?" Tristin thought to himself.
Right punch. Left punch. David blocked them all.
"Gotta look for an opening!" Tristin thought.
Tristin did a feint punch, actually grabbing David's wrist by grabbing the arm David was using to block with, which surprised David. Tristin, still holding David's wrist, quickly shifted behind David then released his arm.
"Right here!" Tristin shouted.
He then opened the hand he held the rock in and placed the open hand on David's back. Suddenly, a semi-long structure of rock protruded from Tristin's open hand and blasted David directly in his back. David's eyes bucked as he flew forward, doing rolls along the ground as he hit it hard.
"A direct hit! Great job, Tristin! Wooooo!!" Luisa screamed, jumping up and down while clapping.
"So Tristin planned that?" Jared asked Natsu.
Natsu nodded his head.
"Us Terramancers are known to be distance fighters, so many of our attacks are strategic. But we also hone a variety of offensive and defensive attacks as well. That attack was a perfect example of our offensive. That move is known as Rock Palm." Natsu said.
Rock Palm. Man, that was great.
"You got me there." David said while standing back up.
"There's a lot more where that came from, chump!" Tristin shouted while grabbing rock in both hands this time, tightly closing them in his fists.
Tristin ran at David once more.
"I'm gonna smash you to pieces!" Tristin shouted with one fist drawn back.
"Rushing in directly is never good to do." Hanzo said. "David fell for it the first time, I doubt he'll fall for it again."
Right before Tristin could swing, David punched Tristin his stomach. Hard. Tristin immediately gasped for air and the force of the punch caused him to release the rocks in his hand. Tristin was lifted off of the ground about 5 inches by this punch. David then struck Tristin with a straight punch to the face as he still was lifted off of the ground. Tristin went flying at incredible velocity.
"What the hell! That force was monstrous!" Jared yelled.
Tristin hit the ground with force. He staggered to get up, holding his stomach. He winced from pain.
"Damn! I think he broke a few ribs with that punch. Where did that strength come from...it's incredible." Tristin said to himself.
Tristin noticed he was 10 feet away from where David stood.
"That boy has monstrous strength" Mai said. "You two thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked Hanzo and Natsu.
"You bet I am." Hanzo said, staring directly at David.
"The boy is a Superhuman." said Natsu.
"What the hell is that?" Jared asked.
Alisa, who stood next to Jared gave him a info card.

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