28...In Loving Memory of King Tskune

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Three days have passed since the ambush on Japan. Kang is still alive. China has five villages within it. Hǎishuǐ, Yīng, Xióngmāo, Ànyǐng and Huángjīn. Hǎishuǐ Village is the main and center village with the other four surrounding it, each being 20 minutes away from the next. The Lan Di Palace is stationed in Hǎishuǐ. Hǎishuǐ is a beautiful village known for its beautiful sea, where dolphins greet those who come near it. Ryo sat on the stairs the Lan Di Palace.

He was approached by a village girl named Xianglian.
"Hey, Ryo. I heard about King Kang...he okay?" She asked.
"My father is fine. And please, refer to me as Prince Ryo." Ryo said.
"Right. Sorry. Um...My mother told me that Japan may start war with us. You think so?" Xianglian asked.
"Even if they do, we'll be well prepared to take them out. Because we're planning something of our own." Responded Ryo.
"Prince Ryo, your father wishes to speak with you at once." interrupted a man from behind.
"Thank you, Ping." Ryo said, walking up the stairs and into the palace.
When he walked in, Kang and Kokoro sat on their thrones as Hawk kneeled on one knee before them.
"Yes, father?" Ryo asked.
"Good to see you son" Kang said. "Hawk here has a gift for us."
Hawk stood and grabbed a huge sack that was placed beside him. Something moved wildly inside. Hawk unsheathed his arm blade from the gauntlet he wore under his sleeve. He sliced the sack and a woman rolled out from it. She looked around, scared and shaking.
"Who's this?" Ryo asked.
"This is Naija Alaeh. She is from Arabia and is the wife of Rashaad Alaeh, the man you killed in the tournament back in Japan." Hawk said.
"As you can see, son. She is just about ready to have their child" Kang said. "We will keep her here. Once she has the child, we'll have King Kuan erase her personality and serve under China for the war."
"So we definitely are starting a war with Japan?" Ryo asked.
"Certainly" answered Kokoro. "I can't wait. It's a good thing Tskune is dead. We don't have him to stand in our way. However, that damned ape Jin'ichi and Teikuya should've died as well."
"That will be left for us to do, mother." interrupted Kushina.
Kushina walked up with Taka at her side.
"We let Teikuya get the best of us. Not this time though." Said Taka.
"Great to hear." Kokoro said, smiling evily.
"Don't hesitate to kill the three kids that had you in a jam either, Ryo." Kang said.
Ryo looked away in anger.
"No need to feel embarrassed, honey" Kokoro said. "You just make sure you take those three brats' heads off."
"They weren't ordinary kids. I underestimated them, for sure." Ryo said.
"No worries. We'll have more than enough warriors to get revenge on Japan. It is a great thing all of us lived." Kang responded.
"We even gained some newcomers that joined the Sîwáng." Kokoro said.
Kang pointed to the left of him.
"Ping! Retrieve him." he said.
"At once, my lord." Said Ping.
Ping quickly went into the shadowed corner of the room. When he came out from it, he pulled a man behind him. The man was shackled at his ankles and wrists. He had unkempt faded indigo blue hair, and had a look of blankness on his face.
"Release him." Said Kang.
Ping took out a key from his robe. He took off the shackles and the man stood still.
"Edwyn Krimson. Also known as Krimson. The last Blood Manipulation Warrior." Kang said smiling evily.
"Thank you, King Kang" Krimson said, bowing. "To serve you is my pleasure."
"Ping, get the scroll." Kang demanded.
Ping grabbed a scroll that sat in the mouth of a golden foo dog statue. He handed it to Ryo.
"That is a letter to Teikuya, letting her know to prepare her people for war in seven days" Kang said. "We'll give them a bit of a warning before we crush them and takeover. Also, if those three Dorahatō bastards are there. Kill them first."
Ryo nodded his head and walked out of the palace. He made some sort "hoot" sound. An owl came swooping down from the sky and took the scroll.
"To Japan, Chī. Make sure it gets there." He said, watching the owl flap away.

*Japan, Hakuchō Village*
It's been officially four days since the attack on Japan and the tournament was interrupted. Jared sat up in the bed, staring blankly at the floor. He was found days ago by Hanzo and Rashaad. He had been staying at an inn called "Hakuchō Inn". He stepped out of bed and walked into the bathroom where he stared at his reflection. He turned the shower on and began to take a steaming hot shower after brushing his teeth. Jared slowly got dressed, mind everywhere. He put on a black button up shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes. A light knock tapped the door as he brushed his hair. When he opened it he saw two familiar faces. Tristin and Luisa, who were dressed in all black too. Tristin wore the same as Jared. Luisa wore a black kimono top with a black pencil skirt and black strapped heels. She wore her hair in a top bun with chopsticks.
"We just came to see if you were ready?" Tristin asked.
"We have the address" said Luisa. "Tristin also talked to mom and dad. They're coming to visit us soon. They understand why we want to stay here. Also, did you forget about your best friends back at home?"
"Kevin and Dan? Honestly...I kind of did." Jared said.
"Well. They're coming with mom and dad. They're excited to see you." Luisa said.
"We should get going." Tristin said.
The three walked by the receptionist desk where a short round woman wearing red lip stick sat.
"Ah, the Dorahatō children. Don't you all look nice." She said, smiling.
"Thank you, Hirata." They all responded.
"You know. It's a shame. King Tskune was a great leader of our country." Hirata said.
Without response, they all looked at eachother with sadness in their eyes and walked out. Thunder rumbled the sky as lightning followed.
"He's with us.." Luisa said.
Tristin and Jared nodded at eachother and walked off as Luisa followed.

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