21...Loyalty! Hana Awakens!

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*Imperial Crowd Section*
Mai desperately struggled to free herself from the clutches of Sayyora's claw. Hana, unconscious still. Taina became more and more enraged by the second. She dispersed the flames from her dagger.
"I'll use my claws to kill you! I'll rip your heart out and drink it's pumping blood! Then, I'll tear the flesh from you and feast on it!" Taina screamed as she walked towards Mai.
Mai inhaled deeply, then exhaled, closing her eyes. With her two Kodachi, she threw one behind her and one in front of her. Both Taina and Sayyora screamed loudly, and Mai was suddenly released from the claw as it retracted to Sayyora. Mai looked at them both. One Kodachi was stuck through Taina's thigh, as the other was stuck through Sayyora's stomach. This bought her some time. Mai ran over to Hana to wake her. Hana whined as Mai pet her. She reached in her back pouch.
"I swore I'd never give this to you. The power of the Ryōken Food Pill is too intense. My mother used this once for her dog and it nearly killed her. But like she told me...a Kunoichi never gives up. It's either now or never!" Mai said.
Mai opened Hana's mouth and slipped the small red pill in. Hana's eyes opened wide, revealing a lavender-white. Her fur changed into a white and she stood on her four feet.
"What's...going...on?" Sayyora strained, trying to pull the Kodachi from her stomach.
"That...that damned mutt!" Taina struggled to speak as she struggled to take the Kodachi from her thigh.
Hana growled and then jumped into the air, being covered in a light purple light. Suddenly, her body morphed.

Hana was now twice her size

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Hana was now twice her size. Her topcoat was a light purple with glittery sparkles, and her undercoat was dark purple. The fur on her legs were dark purple as well with glittery sparkles. Her tail was incredibly bushy, dark purple until the tip which was light purple. She had a very fluffy tuft of light silver-lavender fur around her neck, along with a face of the same color, two pointed light purple ears and a silver opened flower sign on her forehead. Hana elegantly floated above the ground.
"What the hell just happened!?" Taina screamed.
"The mutt transformed into a magical wolf!?" Sayyora followed.
Hana floated down to Mai, as Mai pet her lovingly.
"You're beautiful, Hana. You ready, girl?" She asked.
Hana barked in response.
Mai stood on one side as Hana flew to the other, keeping both Taina and Sayyora between them. Mai rushed forward and snatched one Kodachi from Sayyora's stomach. Hana flew over to Taina, and ripped the Kodachi from her thigh. Both girls shouted in pain, but were relieved. Sayyora held her bloody wounded stomach, as Taina held her bleeding thigh and bleeding shoulder from earlier.
"Losing too much blood..." Taina said.
"We have...to take...them down" Sayyora said. "King Kang will be...upset if we don't...kill them."
Sayyora and Taina stood back to back.
"Let's take these bitches out!" Mai shouted to Hana.
Mai, with her Kodachi ran at Sayyora. Hana flew at Taina, with the Kodachi's handle held in her mouth. The noise of tearing flesh and splattered blood filled their ears.
"What the hell!?" Mai screamed.
Blood dripped from both blades. One blade in Mai's stomach as the other was in Hana's stomach. Taina and Sayyora stood a distance away, laughing.
"Fooled...you." Sayyora said.
Mai's eyes watered, as did Hana's.
"Thanks to me being a Magic Type of the Vapor Class...I grabbed Taina's hand and proofed away in a vapor so quick, you didn't even realize..." Sayyora said, holding her stomach and breathing labored.
Mai and Hana removed the blades from their stomachs. Blood dripped profusely.
"How could I have been so foolish?" Mai said.
"Now we are all wounded severely. Evens the odds" Taina said. "If we die, you'll die here as well!"
Taina ran at Mai and pounced on the front of her. She began biting repeatedly at Mai's neck, causing Mai to scream in pain. Hana, wounded, flew at Taina but was grabbed by Sayyora's metal claw. The claw grabbed Hana's face and head as she yelped. Sayyora pulled Hana over to her, and then raised her into the air.
"Feel this! Wheel of Dharma!" Sayyora screamed.
Sayyora swung Hana over her head repeatedly. With each swing, the speed increased.
"Drop!" Sayyora screamed as she flung her arm down, slamming Hana to the ground by her face. Mai struggled to get Taina's teeth out of her neck. Taina savagely enjoyed it feasting on her neck.
Mai struggled to reach over and grab her bloody Kodachi that laid on the ground next to her. With every bite, it weakened Mai.
"Come on! Grab the...damn blade!" She thought to herself.
She finally grabbed it and drove the Kodachi into Taina's side so hard that it stuck out through the other side. Taina coughed, spitting blood onto Mai's face. Mai pulled the Kodachi from Taina and rolled her off of her. Sayyora held her stomach, bleeding and breathing heavily.
"That should've decapitated you..." she said to Hana.
Hana laid on the ground, not moving a muscle. Mai rolled on her stomach and began slowly crawling. This was a struggle.
"Ha...na" she groaned, crawling on her one arm as she held her neck with the other.
Sayyora walked over to Hana slwoly. She raised her foot, ready to stomp the head of Hana. The yelping of Hana pierced Mai's ears as Sayyora repeatedly stomped Hana's head.
"Die..die...die...die...DIE!" Sayyora screamed.
"Hana...please...no." Mai said as tears fell from her eyes.
A loud cracking noise sounded. Sayyora had now cracked Hana's skull.
"No! Please, stop!" Mai screamed. "Kill me instead! Please, kill me instead! Don't hurt my dog anymore!"
Sayyora stopped and hesitated.
"Gladly." She said softly.
Sayyora walked over to the grounded Mai and stood over her. She then formed a swirling ball of smoke in her hand. She dropped it onto Mai's back and the smoke spread over Mai's body. Mai screamed in agony. The smoke had began to burn her incredibly.
"It'll all be over...soon" Sayyora said, holding her bleeding stomach. "Now...burn to a-"
Sayyora was interrupted by a sudden pain in her leg. She looked down. Hana, had a hold on Sayyora's calf.
"How!...how are you able to still move!?" Sayyora screamed.
Hana's eyes glowed light purple, along with the inside of her mouth.
"What is this?" Sayyora asked, struggling to get free.
Hana screeched loudly, and a purple beam of light shot from her mouth, exploding Sayyora's leg. Sayyora yelled in discomforting pain and fell to the ground. Hana slowly walked over to Mai, fanning her with her fluffy tail. Hana had fanned the smoke away from Mai's body. Mai's back was severely burned. Hana, in an instant went back to her normal state as a Shiba Inu and collapsed to the ground next to Mai. There, laid four bodies. Laying silently. Beaten. Bruised. Bloodied.

*Safe Shelter*
"Alright kids, into the safe shelter at once!" Ordered Pakun.
The students entered a big square building surrounded by an abundance of trees. Inside was a metal gate. The kids were ushered in behind the gate, which Pakun closed behind them. They walked down a set of stairs which led them in a dim lit room with water, potato chips and other random snacks.
"FOOD!" Iwabe yelled as other kids cheered in excitement.
"No! Quiet down! Stop that noise!" Pakun scolded.
"Koshinmaru, you're awfully quiet." Said Sarai.
Koshinmaru sat on the ground. Face full of worry.
"Something tells me this isn't a drill, Sarai." Koshinmaru responded.
Koshinmaru said a prayer in his head, hoping his uncle was alright.

*Imperial Battleground*
The lone Teikuya, stood across from her treacherous sister and cousin, Kushina and Taka.
"To do this, pains me more than you know" Teikuya said. "I love you both. So dear to my heart. To be reunited with you both again, just to have it come to this..."
Kushina and Taka stared at Teikuya coldly.
"But if it's one thing our father taught me, Kushina." Teikuya continued. "That when you are given a duty, you fulfill every single bit of it. Protecting Japan and the people within it is my duty as the princess...I WILL TAKE YOU TWO DOWN SEVERAL NOTCHES!"
Teikuya ran quickly at both Kushina and Taka. She jumped in the air and came crashing down with an an axe kick on Taka's head. She then back flipped using the bounce off from the kick, and then executed an Airpalm to Kushina's face, staggering her back. Teikuya created distance between them again.
"Come on! Let us fight!" she shouted.
Teikuya reached under her dress and pulled out a pair of short white boots laced with black. With a swipe of her hand, Teikuya created a gust of wind that blew her elegant dress and heels off of her. She stood there with a completely different outfit on. She wore an open olive green bomber jacket trimmed with white and black at the collar and bottom, with white sleeves and olive green cuffs trimmed in black with slim white lines going around the black. Underneath she wore a black shirt revealing her stomach with see through mesh at the top above the breasts and around the collar. She wore black tights as well. She stepped into the boots and tied her hair into a ponytail with the rest laying down and falling about.
"Changing attire won't suit you! It's time you die!" Taka screamed, running forward.
Teikuya charged at Taka, head on. The two began striking with palm strikes and chops. They blocked each other's attacks. Teikuya then took her hand and swept it at Taka's feet, releasing a wind gust, knocking Taka into the air. Teikuya then swept her hands upward which created a small wind current, lifting Taka and keeping her there.
"She caught me with Upheaval! So swift in her movements!" Taka thought to herself. The wind current bounced Taka around. Teikuya jumped up and delivered an axe kick directly to Taka's face. Taka slammed to the ground, as Kushina rushed in and kicked Teikuya in the face, making her stagger back.
"You can never be better than me, Teikuya! Never!" She shouted.
"Realize that I already am, Kushina!" Teikuya responded.

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