33...War Begins! Japan and China Clash

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Hundreds shouted, screamed and talked amongst eachother as Teikuya peered over them. She stood on a patio structured building with every captain of every squad beside her. Every squad stood with their assigned squad mates. Jared looked around for his siblings, but had trouble doing so due to the many people around him.
"Jared Dorahatō, right?" said a voice next to him.
"Yeah. You got it." Jared replied.
"Soho. Soho Fukiru, pleased to meet you" said the guy, shaking Jared's hand. "Heard how you were personally trained by Hanzo, and how your parents are Kaeneki and Rosa. That's incredible."
"Oh, yeah. It's something isn't it?" Jared said awkwardly.

Soho had long indigo-blue hair tied into a ponytail only at the end, and hazel eyes

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Soho had long indigo-blue hair tied into a ponytail only at the end, and hazel eyes. His skin was a soft pink and he wore wrapped bandages on his forearms, abdomen and forehead. He was shirtless, revealing a six pack of abs. His pants were orange and loose, stopping at his ankles. He wore black sandals showing all ten toes and stretched up to his calves, but the pants were worn over the sandals. He also wore a black wrap around his waist that flowed down to the back of his knees and was accented with a red swirl logo on it. Jared counted those in his squad.
There's twelve to each squad. Including Hanzo Sensei and myself, there are ten boys and two girls in this squad.
The girls of Squad One, Anko Itō and Yugito Yamanaka talked amongst eachother. The guys, along with Jared and Soho, all quietly and patiently waited for orders.
"So Teikuya is the queen of Japan now, and she's leading us into war. Can someone so young lead us correctly?" said a Korean soldier.
"Queen Teikuya is how you will speak on her name, show some respect" snapped a Japanese soldier. "Queen Teikuya is not an average youngster, she proves to be a skilled kunoichi and a wonderful ruler! How dare you make such ignorant assumptions!"
"Hey, back off pal, how was I supposed to know? It's not everyday we have to come and get involved in Japan's bullshit!" The Korean soldier snapped back.
"Japan's bullshit!? Watch your tongue, at least we have something worth fighting for! Besides, all you Koreans do is think you're so much better than us when you all are inconsiderate nobodies!" The Japanese soldier shouted.
The two soldiers began pushing and shoving eachother, sending those around them into an uproar.  Suddenly a blast of wind overwhelmed them and they looked up at Teikuya with fear.
"This will not happen!" Teikuya shouted. "We gathered here in the Land of Warfare on the outskirts of Hyō Village to unite as one against China! Not fight amongst eachother! In the name of my late grandfather and father, King Madara Asayama and King Tskune Asayama, this shall not happen!"
Everyone paid close attention to Teikuya in silence. Teikuya began to reminisce in her mind images of her father.
"It is my duty to protect Japan. It is my duty to protect its people" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "We all may not be connected by blood. But by feelings. Emotions. Through our will...we are all family.  We are all warriors! If Japan falls into the hands of the enemy, the lives we live as we know it will be no more! We can't let that happen!"
Everyone began cheering and agreeing with Teikuya. Mai stood in the middle of Hanzo and Natsu. She looked down through the crowd and spotted Kizumi, who was motioning her to talk to Hanzo.
"I pray you and your squad get through this safe, Hanzo." Mai said softly.
Natsu gave a stern look to Hanzo, signaling him to answer nicely.
"Thank you, Mai. Same for you and your squad. Though, I am certain you all will do great." Hanzo said.
Mai looked down and saw Hana looking up at her whimpering softly.
"I know, Hana...I'll talk to him more when the time is right." Mai said in her head.
"All of you are on squads specifically similar to you, or completely different from you, which is fine. It gives you all a better way to work together." Teikuya said.
Jared looked around and spotted Tristin then Luisa a few feet away from Tristin.

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