17...Ambushed! Kujaku Under Attack!

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*Kujaku Hospital*
Tristin laid in bed as Karui finished up her healing on his jaw. She had took a break from his jaw earlier and healed the rest of his injuries, including the pain from only having half of a tongue left. Tristin felt 95% normal again, but his jaw was the last thing he needed healed. Suddenly, the wires on his jaw detached and he was able to freely move his jaw again.
"There's no pain. I can talk clearly again!" Tristin said, touching and rubbing his jaw.
Karui inhaled deeply and exhaled with a smile of relief following that.
"I can't thank you enough, Karui. You doubted your medical abilities, but there was no need. You're amazing." Tristin said.
"I'm nowhere near my mother's abilities though. I doubted myself because of how serious your injuries were. But all in all, I'm glad you turned out well." Karui responded.
Karui held her wounded side, and then her throat. She winced in pain and noticed the worry on Tristin's face.
"Don't worry about me. They're doing all that they can here." she said softly.
A knock tapped the door as a nurse walked in.
"You two have a visitor."
"Who could possibly be here to visit me?" Karui said.
"Well well. You two don't look too good." said a voice.
Tristin stared in surprise. Standing there with a smile and thumbs up, it was Hanzo.

*Imperial Battleground*
"When is this over huh? Do we get a break? I'm starving." Jared complained.
"There's a local ramen shop belonging to a good friend of mine" Natsu said. "I'll take you to it."
Alisa had decided to go with, so Natsu had told Mai to stay with Luisa, Teikuya, Taka and Rei. He also told Mai if Jared's turn arrived, to send Hana for them to bring them back because Hana had picked up their scent.

*Kujaku Ramen Shop*
"Natsu! It's great to see you, pal!"
"Same here, Fukushima. I've brought two warriors who has entered the tournament. Alisa and Jared. Jared is a Dorahatō." Natsu responded.
"Wow, as in Kaeneki Dorahatō? Pleased to meet you son. Please, eat up! You'll need energy for the tournament!" Fukushima said.
During his time at Kujaku Ramen Shop, Jared had went through five bowls of ramen. He had never had the authentic ramen. Just the ramen that came in processed packaging back in California.
"Man oh man! I never knew ramen would be so good!" Jared exclaimed.
"My, Jared. You sure love it." Alisa said smiling.
A man silently walked into the shop and sat next to Alisa.
"Welcome to Kujaku Ramen Shop! I'm Fukushima Kanzuki, what can I get for you today?"
The man hesitated.
"Surprise me." he said.
The man wore a black satin traditional Chinese robe with golden dragon designs, black pants and traditional black kung fu slippers with white socks. His hair was tied in a long dark brown braid. Jared stared at the man for a long duration of time.
"Hey. Natsu. You seen this guy before?" Jared whispered to him.
"No. He isn't even from Japan" Natsu responded. "I can tell by his look. That robe is Chinese."
This guy's from China?...

*Kujaku Hospital*
"Hanzo, what're you doing here? You're the last person I expected to show up." Tristin said.
"Why's that? Just because you weren't my student doesn't mean I don't care about you. But I came to speak with Summer actually." Hanzo said.
"Summer?" Tristin asked, confused.
Karui sat up in the bed and stared at Hanzo.
"Who are you?" she asked.
Hanzo sat in the chair by side of the bed.
"Summer Blossom is what you go by correct?" asked Hanzo. "Is that in any relation to The Healing Blossom?"
"Hey, how did you know?" interrupted Tristin. "That's her mother!"
"Her mother!?" Hanzo said standing from the chair.
Suddenly, a sudden boom within the hospital silenced them. Screams followed and caught their attention immediately.

*Imperial Battleground*
The girls sat, watching the matches go on. Two more had passed since Ryo and Rashaad had their match. Hana noticed Kang walking up stairs and towards King Tskune. Her growl alerted the girls.
"I know, Hana" Mai said petting her. "I have a bad feeling as well."
"You think King Tskune is in danger?" Luisa asked with concern in her voice and eyes.
"My father is capable of defending himself. Trust me" Teikuya interrupted. "Jin'ichi will defend my father with his life as well. And after all, my father's The King of Japan for a reason."

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