41...New Threats, New Heroes & Returning Rivals

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*Hakuchō Palace, Courtyard*
The evening sky began to turn to night. Sitting outside in the courtyard was Dan and Kevin, Jared's best friends from back home in the states.
"Man. You think Jared, Tristin and Luisa will come back here alive?" Kevin asked.
"Well that's the only way they can come back idiot." Dan responded smartly.
"Shut up fool, I'm talking about them surviving. Do you think they'll return at all?" Asked Kevin.
Dan hesitated.
"Mr. and Mrs. Dorahatō said they will be fine, and will come back from this Japanese Chinese war thing" Dan responded. "They said they're with many other Power Warriors so they should be fine. Don't sweat it. Or at least try not to. I just wish there was something we could do kinda."
"Now that would be idiotic" said Kevin. "We are normal human beings. Based on what we know of these Power Warriors, we wouldn't stand a chance."
"We could be Weaponry Types" Dan joked. "They're just normal people who learned to master a weapon. That's what my dad said. We could learn to master a sword and cut people down! Nah, I'd rather use nunchuks. Oooh, wait! A staff instead! Dude, we would be the shit at school!"
"Either of you will use anything." Said a soft voice.
"Oh, Mrs. Dorahatō. We were just clowning around." Dan said, laughing nervously.
"You can't speak of this at school. Speak of it to no one in fact. We lied to your parents just to get them to let you come here with us" said Rosa. "Remind me to give you two something to take back home with you from this "cultural vacation".
"Don't worry Mrs. Dorahatō. Our parents would never know that you brought us here for you two to keep a closer eye on Jared, Tristin and Luisa. Besides, we bugged you to let us come here with you and Mr. Dorahatō." Said Dan.
"Where is Mr. Dorahatō anyways?" Kevin asked.
Rosa looked back at the palace as she sat down next to the boys.
"He isn't in the best of moods. He's nervous. Scared to death. What parents wouldn't be with their kids in war?" She said.
"Well, I'm loving Japan. Its cool out here! Bad cell phone reception and technology isn't all that up to date, but its beautiful for sure!" Dan said.
"I wish we could leave though...actually go sight seeing. But no way those guards are going to let us out of here." Kevin said, looking at the Japanese Soldiers standing at the gate that stood at the end of the trail leading to the Hakuchō Palace.
"There's a war going on. You can't risk being out there. Normal villagers were ordered by Empress Teikuya to stay indoors at all times. The war is going on in Hyō Village, but the innocent lives of civilians like you two can't be risked." Rosa said.
Suddenly, Kaeneki walked out of the palace and into the courtyard.
"Are you okay, honey?" Rosa asked, holding his hand.
"I will be. I prayed that our kids will be brought back here in one piece" Kaeneki responded. "They've all grown to be so strong. I can't believe Luisa has done so well with Maxi too."
"Thanks to Hanzo, Natsu and Mai, our kids are great Power Warriors." Rosa responded with a smile.
A feint scream was heard in the distance. Rosa and Kaeneki immediately stood from their seats.
"What was that?" Kevin asked.
"They're gone." Kaeneki said.
"Who? Who's gone, Mr. Dorahatō?" Dan asked.
Without saying a word, Kaeneki pointed at the gate at the end of the trail. The guards that stood there were now gone.
"What the hell?" Dan said in confusion.
"Daniel. Kevin. I need you two to go into the palace. Now." Rosa said.
"But Mrs. Dora-"
"Now!" Kaeneki interrupted, cutting Dan off.
Dan and Kevin both looked at each other and hurried into the palace, closing the door behind them.
Kaeneki and Rosa stood next to each other, tense. The ground beneath them began to shake. A feeling they all knew too well.
"Could it be?" Rosa asked.
The two stared off at the end of trail, and a large figure stood at the gate. Suddenly a loud and thunderous roar echoed the air. Kaeneki and Rosa now knew that they were being reunited with a beast from their past.

*Open Field, Side One of Barrier*
Tristin and Natsu stood across from David and Chai Xiba. Saki and Sachi stood to the side with a terrified Hebiichigo, still trying to calm her nerves. Tristin looked over his shoulder. He was still on one side of the open field. Side two was kept unreachable by the barrier created by Kîn's magic. It still stood tall and flowing with pink magical energy, separating them from the other side that Karui, Winter, and The Kill Squad were on. Except, he still didn't see them over there. His mind swirled frantically about where Kîn and Layla could have taken them. But he also had to stay level headed. He had two powerful warriors standing in front of him, but also had a very powerful sensei to the left of him.
"Natsu sensei. You ready?" Tristin asked, looking at Natsu.
"More than ever before, Tristin." Natsu answered.
"I take this punk David. It's retribution for me." Said Tristin.
"Fine by me. Chai Xiba is mine. He proves to be a powerful Terramancer. I believe I will be the best against him." Natsu responded.
David and Chai Xiba smirked evily.
"Let's go!" Natsu shouted.
Natsu and Tristin took off, charging at David and Chai Xiba. David and Chai Xiba did the same. The only sound heard was the sounds battle.

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