35...Warriors Move Forth

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Teikuya stood with her Squad Six to the left of her. On the right of her stood Sesshomaru and his Squad Five to the right of him. The Japanese and Korean soldiers stood behind them all. They all watched the Chinese march forward with Vietnam and Russian allies. The screeching of a hawk caught Teikuya's attention. She looked up as the brown hawk circled around them.
"When the hawk cries and circles the skies. It is signal for war and ensured death." Jin'ichi said.
Teikuya swallowed hard.
"Are we prepared?" Rika asked.
"We are more than prepared. This is more than life and death." Sesshomaru responded.
The enemy horde were closer, being able to be identified now. So many unknown faces appeared, but many familiar faces were there as well. Kang stood in front with Kokoro, Kushina, Taka and Kuan at his side.
Jin'ichi snarled at the enemies.
"My lady, look at some of them. Any of them look familiar to you?" Jin'ichi asked.
Teikuya's eyes scaled the horde.
"Right there" she said pointing. "It's that boy...the boy with monster strength, the one that nearly killed Tristin. David..."
Teikuya was right. Standing in the midst of the enemies was David Elric, the boy of the Strength Type and Superhuman Class. He had a conniving smirk on his face. Next to him stood Layla Velencé, the Flame Runner of the Fire Types from Brazil. The girl who killed Haruhi from the tournament only twenty seconds into the match with a single kick, breaking her neck.
She stood with a hand on her hip, face stone.
"It is clear to me that those who have  participated in the tournament before its cancelation, have sided with China. Disgraceful." Teikuya said.
"Teikuya" Kang bellowed. "Finally, the day of reckoning is amongst us. This day will be the last of your rule."
"Talk is futile, Kang! You can save your rhetoric. Japan never backs down, even outnumbered! We stand tall, and we all have the will of my father in all of us!" Teikuya shouted back.
"Infantile idiot" Kokoro interrupted. "Your father couldn't even take us out. His "will" is moot."
Jin'ichi snarled and reached behind him. He revealed a red wooden staff with a golden tip. This startled Kokoro.
"That's the Yama Staff..." Kokoro said softly.
"The Yama Staff? You mean, the staff handmade by Sarutobi Yama?" Kang asked.
Kokoro nodded her head.
"I remember. When Tskune was alive...he visited the Monkey King, Sarutobi Yama in the village of Saru. Before Sarutobi's passing, Sarutobi made the staff himself" said Kokoro. "It took him twenty days and twenty nights. The power that staff has is incredible. It can withstand almost anything, nearly is unbreakable. It's no ordinary wooden staff. How did that lapdog, Jin'ichi get his hands on it?"
Jin'ichi gripped the staff firmly in his hands.
"What you fools seem to forget is that the village of Saru adored King Tskune and his late wife, Orihime. The new monkey king, Sarutenshi Yama, Sarutobi's son, gave me this staff once he learned of this war." Jin'ichi said.
This caused Kang's lip to curl in anger.
"No matter! There is no weapon that will make China fall! For we have Russia and Vietnam as allies!" Kushina said.
"It doesn't matter who you're aligned with, Japan will not fail!" Teikuya shouted.
"Look, it's Sesshomaru, Prince of the Sky." Taka whispered to Kushina.
Kushina smirked and looked him up and down.
"Wow, he's surely grown to be quite the looker. It's a pity we'll have to kill him." Kushina said.
"You two whores disgust me." Rika said, pointing at Kushina and Taka.
"Excuse me, peasant!?" Kushina shouted. "Watch your tongue!"
"The audacity of you two! Kushina, in all fairness you've been brainwashed. But Taka? You chose to cross over to the dark side. Betraying Teikuya when she is our cousin!" Rika continued.
"What do I care!?" Taka snapped. "Don't speak to me like I owe you anything! You're her cousin on her mother's side, I am her cousin on her father's side. We have no relation, so what are you so bugged about it for!?"
"I care because unlike you, I didn't let emotion lead me to make irrational and stupid decisions! Yes, your parents were killed by the hands of King Tskune, but they tried to kill him and overthrow him! It was only right that King Tskune did what he did! Why can't you see that, Taka?" Said Rika.
Taka's eyes began to water. Her face felt hot.
"The pain I feel is not relatable. And my vengeance won't be ceased until all of Japan crumbles." she said.
"Enough of the emotional prattle, don't you think?" Kang said.
"Indeed. I can't wait to blow you away." Teikuya said.
Teikuya clutched the item that was strapped to her back.
"What? Impossible" Kushina thought to herself. "When on earth did she get that!?"
"Kokoro, you seeing what I'm seeing?" Kang asked.
Kokoro hesitated, eyes wide.
"She...she has the..." Kokoro said, trying to get the words out.
"That's right. This is the Kitsune Kaze Fan. One of the thirteen sacred Kitsune weapons" Teikuya said, taking the fan from her back and opening it in front of her. "The Kitsune Kaze Fan (meaning "Fox Wind Fan") is a giant paper fan that has been sealed with one of the mystical Kitsune spirits, Kaze. The Kitsune Kaze Fan holds incredible wind power, told to be stronger than any Wind Type warrior."
"How did you get that?" Kokoro asked, hesitant. "The Thirteen Sacred Kitsune Weapons whereabouts are unknown."
"Not this one. You see, my father found this on one of his voyages to Sri Lanka. My father may be gone in the physical sense, but there's many things that he left behind for his loved ones. Especially his daughters." Teikuya explained.
Kushina tilted her head and made a disgusting look at Teikuya.
"His daughters? That pathetic excuse for a king left me nothing, do not lie. You are his first child, the heir to his throne. You have it all." she said.
"Kushina. Our father thought of you everyday. There's things left here for you..." Teikuya said. "But I'll make sure that you'll never see them. When it is my turn to have a daughter of my own, I'll be sure that she gets it all!"
This angered Kushina for sure.
"How dare you!" Kushina screamed, charging forward with both bladed tessen in her hands.
"Charge!" Teikuya shouted, running at Kushina.
Everyone then ran forth at each other. Warriors soon clashed and the sounds of combat filled the air.

*Senzu Forest*
Toneri, Saiaka, Ganryu and Honda fanned the smoke away from the explosions. Three figures dropped from the trees above.
"Who are you people?" asked Ganryu, angrily.
"Oh us? We are members of the Sîwáng. I am Léon. These are my mates." Léon replied, hissing flicking his lizard like tongue.
"The Sîwáng, huh? We know all about you." Saiaka said, cracking her knuckles.
"Oh do you? What do you know, little girl?" Léon asked while smirking evily.
"We know that the Sîwáng is an organization of evil warriors who work under the tutelage of Kang. The last time you all ambushed Japan, there were twelve of you. There's no telling how many there are now." Replied Saiaka.
Léon licked his scaly lips and chuckled softly.
"Oh, but there's many more now. You Japanese brats sure are smart though" said Goldee. "But what you all lack is skill. You all will die here. Right now."
Toneri walked in front of Saiaka, who attempted to charge at Goldee who was stopped by Ganryu.
"Look. I don't know who you creepy punks think you are, but your king killed ours. Its time we show you how Japan responds to acts as such." Said Toneri.
"Quiet." Demanded a voice.

A fair skinned man walked forward, who wore a Chinese warrior outfit and had long black hair with a top bun

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A fair skinned man walked forward, who wore a Chinese warrior outfit and had long black hair with a top bun. He reached to his side and unsheathed a 13-inch sword.
"And just who the hell are you?" Toneri asked sternly.
"I am Zhang Wu. The Swordmaster." said the man.
"Zhang Wu...I...I've done my research on you...I've heard of your doings." Saiaka said, becoming nervous.
"Zhang the Swordmaster? Who is he Saiaka?" Asked Honda.
"Zhang comes from Yīng village in China. He's an incredible swordman....he is a Weaponry Type, and his class is Sword Arts...meaning he has more than one sword in his arsenal. To be exact, he's known as The Man of One Hundred Swords." Saiaka explained.
Honda swallowed hard and stared at Zhang in disbelief.
"How can he own that many and use them all in combat?' Asked Ganryu.
"Trust me...they're all carried on him. They differ in size, length and weight. Some so small he can fit them under his tongue." Saiaka said.
Toneri, Ganryu and Honda all became extremely nervous. Saiaka felt a bead of sweat roll down her temple.
"You have done your research. Very well." Zhang said with utter seriousness.
"I call bullshit" said Toneri. "How come no one has ever heard of you? Saiaka is the first I've ever heard that knows of you."
"I don't expect Japan to say much to any one of you about me. Trust me though. Japan knows exactly who I am. Especially Teikuya." Zhang said.
"Allow me to tell the story" said Goldee. "You see, Zhang here is the old flame of Teikuya. Yes, your new queen was once in deep love with this chinese man. She would sneak off to China, just to be with Zhang. Until Kang decided that people of Japan were nothing but peasants. China is too good for you all. So King Kang made it an order to keep Teikuya away from Zhang. She was certain that Zhang would flee China and move to Japan to be with her, and go against King Kang's rules. But as the smart man he is, he chose China over her."
"Queen Teikuya would never fall for a Chinese...ever!" Ganryu said.
"Oh, but she did" interrupted Léon. "It is something you people of Japan never wants to talk about. It disgusted them that Teikuya had fallen in love with a man from the rivalry country. So it has been swept under the rug. I can only imagine the look on Teikuya's face if she saw Zhang..how long has it been, Zhang?"
"Three years, Léon" Zhang responded. "I have no concern of Teikuya. She can die along with the rest of you."
Saiaka cracked her knuckles and groaned in anger.
"That's it, this is over!" she shouted.
Saiaka rushed at Zhang, Goldee and Léon. A sound of a quick slicing of flesh echoed the air...

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