21-The Alexander Affect(Part 1-West is in Trouble)

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This in my book would be Mass's theme song due to well... everything about her. This song will appear again in another book whenever I launch out a possible 

After the Mission...                                                                                                                                                Locker Room, Mother of Invention...

I was calmly working on my rifle, cleaning it mainly when I heard Carolina walk in and say. "Thought you were in here. What's up?"

"Nothing much." I replied as I looked up at her.

"You are aware that West-"

"Slingshot his way back to the Mother of Invention, yeah. Who do you think helped him with coming up with the idea?"

"You don't sound yourself, are you okay?"

"I want to say yes, but in reality I'm not. Remember that event, in my match against Tex? Well... I learned that the Director has it out for my whole team and- it is just a lot to take in." 

She sat down next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder and said. "Hey, we all are here for ya, girl. If the Director has it out for your crew then we'll stand beside you."

I looked at her with the face of surprise, I knew she would stand by my side but to this extent surprised me. We've been friends for only a few months give or take and this just proved how good of friends we were.

Later, I found myself in the middle of a round of ping pong, me vs Wyoming. We were hitting five ping pong balls to one another and still on our first round, no ball landed on the ground. 

"Man, you guys are seriously at this nonsense again?" South asked laughing at how we were focused on ensuring none of the balls fell off the table.

 "Uh, you should know us by now, South? We're notorious for such malarkey." Wyoming replied. "Now, hand me another ping pong ball."

She did, we've been at this match for a whole half an hour. Usually, I would listen to music but today I decided to go for ping pong, Wyoming and I wanted to experiment to see how many ping pong balls it will take to make the both of us struggle to keep up with one another.

"Ya know, Mass? You've been acting very cautious around the boss, why?" South brought up. She was known to be very worried for me, just like North, Wash, and Alaska were for me as well. 

"Oh... just still a little nervous around him." I said. "I mean, it seems like he is hiding stuff and so I am being a little cautious so I don't end up becoming a target for anyone."

"That's understandable." We heard Wash say as he walked in. Wyoming threw another ping pong ball in, seven balls were now being hit to one another. I never knew I could handle that many but I was pretty darn good at keeping them from landing off the table on my side. "You're the top of the top, Mass. You've been known to get into the most impossible situations where survival is a 0.0001% chance but somehow you succeed every time."

"But, I just know the game but soon it will catch up to me as it will to us all." I said sounding more like my mother, whenever I and Duneer were little my mother had told us that everyone is running from death everyday we live but one day we will slow down and have let death embrace us. We both learned from a young age to embrace that truth since we spent most of our lives risking our necks on the battlefield, we both learned to live while trying to survive, like our mother did.

Ten freaking ping pong balls now and we still were going on this single round. [What the fuck, Mass?! How are you able to- I shouldn't even ask when it comes to you.] Keeper said to me with the sound of surprise being basically plainly heard within his own voice.

"You haven't grabbed breakfast yet, Mass. Have you?" Wash asked, Wyoming lost five of the ping pong balls on his end.

"Nope. Wait... are you asking for me to join you?" I asked hinting at a breakfast date of some sort. Crud, he knows me too well. I replied.

[I hope it doesn't include... gasps... bacon!]

Shut up, Keeper about my love for bacon!

"Yes, actually."

"I'm in."

Wyoming lost the last five ping pong balls. 

"What the fuck just happened?!" He asked South as me and Wash left the room and headed for where West was.

"Wash and Mass are on a date." South said smiling. She silently ships me and Wash.

Lobby, Mother of Invention...                                                                                                                                       Twelve minutes later...                                                                                                                                                   Yes, these are required so silence, you fool...  

I was cooking some bacon in the microwave while West had a... wait... what?! Am I about to say this right?! A donut wrapped in tinfoil sitting on top of said microwave which has Ohio's nuclear reactor next to said microwave. WTF?!

"I swear we are being stalked here, guys!" West said over to me and Wash as we both were enjoying some warm coffee. Wash was drinking his brew while I was drinking, hehe, West's brew. Now, if you aren't informed West's emblem is a coffee cup with a skull for one reason and one reason alone, he makes killer coffee. Literally, he puts so much caffeine into his that it is literally a deep black and can kill a normal person.  

"Uh, West? I think you've gone crazy." Wash said.

"Wash, no. He ain't crazy, no. I'm the bloody crazy one, remember?" I said, correcting him. 

West chuckled as a massive chain reaction occurred as the nuclear reactor activated, super charging the bacon and with the juices from said bacon super charged the tinfoil wrapped donut and a bright green blue glowed filled the whole room. Blinding the lot of us and then darkness.

Location: unknown...                                                                                                                                                         Time: unknown...                                                                                                                                                                 Universe: how the fuck should I know that?!

I woke, my vision blurry as heck as I slowly got up and watched it clear up. Questions rushing through my head as I noted the surrounding environment. A forest, a river next to me, and clear skies. I looked into the water and what I saw mad me yell. "WEST!!!"

Oof! Cliffhanger... hating them. What has happened, you may ask. Well... I ain't spoiling so stay tuned in for the next chapter. Hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one. 


Project Massachusetts: Wills Never Die (Red vs Blue Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon