4-West Hunting Georgia

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Locker Room, Mother of Invention...

I sat on one of the benches while working on the Sniffer Rifle. I had to clean the thing so I did right before I was going to put it up.

While cleaning my rifle I heard the sound of West yelling. "Get your ass back here, Georgia!"

"No way in Hell, West!" I heard Georgia yell.

I giggled as I watched the two of the run pass the locker room, Georgia managed to get a hold of West's grenade launcher, the Shamrock. West was very well known for keeping that thing out of anyone else's hands, yeah, he is over protective of that thing. West was literally chasing Georgia down with a Nerf gun in hand, I didn't even want to know where he got it but I couldn't help but laugh my head off at the thought.

[Leave it to West.] Keeper said to me with a laugh.

I nodded in agreement. Arizona walked in and said. "Well... look like West is very much in his usual chase."

I laughed at how he said that.

"Yeah, it is pretty much normal." I said.

"So, I came to ask about the incident back with our target. I didn't know you had a sense of honor, why hide it?"

"Well... I like for my foes to know me as a psycho that they call Mass, only a few know about my sense of honor. It mainly consists of me and a few others, including the either Death Wish Squad now. Which, Snipe surprised me when he showed he knew how the Bar's code of honor worked."

"I see."

"Don't worry, thank God it wasn't a form of Sangheili swordsman honor of that mission would have took a longer time to complete."

He nodded understanding me. He had a sense of honor as well. I respected him because of it. I saw him walk out as I started to hear down to the lobby to relax but soon ran into Wash, almost landing nose first on to the ground of Wash didn't catch me in time. He surprised me when he did catch me. He calmly lifted me on to my feet and said. "Sorry about that."

"No, I should be the one apologizing." I said to him showing some of my shy side.

Me and him looked at each other with faces of sight of embarrassment.

"Are you blushing?!" He asked me with surprise.

Oh God, was I? I thought to myself.

[Yup, you two are a perfect couple.] Keeper replied.

I noticed Wash was blushing as well, it must of been embarrassing for him as well. We both looked at one another in a long silence until I said. "Oh, I forgot. I still have your knife."

"No, hold on to it. I think it will become slowly more useful to you soon." He insisted.

Me and him walked calmly into the lobby and sat together on the couch which was in there and started talking about some of the things that have happened to us in our pasts. Wash had some good stories to tell and so did I.

He slowly slithered his arms around my body and pulled closer to his bady, letting me place one hand his chest and another in his neck. Then both my lips and his met one another, his felt so warm and soft upon my own I could taste his sweetness off of him. I wanted him to be mine forever, I wanted this to be my gate for all eternity.

But the moment was ruined when Georgia ran into the room and hid in the cabinet underneath the counter next is as he said. "Don't let him get to me."

Then about ten minutes give or take, West came in and asked. "Have you two seen Georgia?"

Me and Wash looked at one another and thought the same thing and we both pointed to the cabinet that Georgia took cover in. West walked over and slowly opened the door and fired the Nerf gun. He got Georgia and got his grenade launcher back. He walked over to me and Wash and said. "Thanks, guys."

"No prob." Wash replied seeing me still dying of laughter.

Wash gently wrapped his arms around my body and pulled back into a kiss. He promised to resume to me and he does keep his word and I like that about him. I guess we were truly in love but I didn't know how to say it.

Yup, Chapter 4 is complete and I hoped y'all liked it and I will see you in the next one.

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