26-Where Angels Fall From Grace(Part 1-By Luck)

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After the whole events, the Director had asked to have West on a solo mission, I warned West before hand of such a mission was crazy but he said. "I'll be fine." As always.

I, Arizona, and Alaska watched it all, he had gotten captured by the guys he was sent to take out. I suggested to the Director of he sent my crew we could get him out but he already told FILSS to lock on to West's suit and take him out with the Mac round. Before the gun was fired, West radioed us on a private channel as he said. "Guys, I know you're going to be very mad about what the Director may have done to ensure the enemy would not have me but if I die, may my luck be one your side and if I live, ya owe me twenty credits, Alaska!"

"Fire." The Director smiled.

After a few seconds of silence, FILSS spoke. "Direct hit, sir."

My heart dropped to my stomach, West was dead or lived and now was either mad as Hell due to the Director's attempt to kill him or laughing over the fact he for once won a bet against my brother. But if he was dead, which was a high probability, I never felt more sad, the world just got a whole lot boring. I swore I had heard steaming down my face. The thought of losing my teammate whom served in this even before Carolina joined up was a nightmarish thought.

Arizona looked down at the ground, he was silent but he saw West as a good friend, his partner in crime. The fact he was gone made his world feel like it was going to cave in on him. Alaska had it the worst, he knew and trusted West, the two were always known to come up with something good to do, they came up with the best ideas that seemed to work as either a prank or well just a way to keep the boredom away.

Locker Room, Mother of Invention...

"Fucking unbelievable!" Arizona hissed as he punched his locker in rage over the fact he lost West.

"Calm down, Arizona. He was reported M.I.A. not K.I.A." Alaska said trying to calm him down.

"Calm down?! My friend is down there, alone on a hostile world, surrounded by enemies, and the Director is celebrating because he got rid of one of our teammates and you want me to calm down?!"

I looked at the ground, as much as I hated to admit it but Arizona was in the right, the Director has wanted the four of us dead for a while but he finally knocked down a member of the squad he put me in charge of. Who knows, he may try and kill Alaska or Arizona next and leave me for last.

[Don't worry, Elexsa. We'll get through this.] Keeper said attempting to keep me calm.

Then I heard it, FILSS call out my name, I was going to be next. Damn it all! I hissed to myself as I didn't need to go yet, not while my team needed me the most. Alaska looked concerned as he said he would go with me.

When we got to the Briefing Room the Direct was quite surprised to see that Alaska was there, by my side instead of Wash.

"Agent Alaska, I only asked for your -" the Director went to say then was interrupted by Nebraska, our very commander saying. "You don't want to separate the Duelo, they always will be together for they are family and the best of the best."

"Nebraska, this is n-"

"<Like Hell it is!>" I said in Battlement Sangheilli. I was very much ready to take the Director's life for what he took from me, he took West off my team and he didn't think twice about it. I had enough of his game he had played with me, I would of course continue but I would win in the end.

Hoped y'all enjoyed.

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