16- Operation Overlook (pt. 6 Brother vs Brother)

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I made a new friend, sorry about this picture being so close to his face but he was in one of my hands while he attempted to hide. His name is Ralph and he is one of the cats whom enjoys to come over to my grandmother's house to eat.

The next mission was bound to be insane, West seemed quiet about it. He knew something that the rest of us didn't. He was leaning against the wall when ever both me and Wash were heading to the briefing room for this mission's briefing. He seemed semi concerned about something, what was beyond me.

"West, are you okay?" I asked him with the hint of concern for him, I knew he had been through a lot. "Please don't tell me the beans gave you a heck of a stomach ache."

"I don't like what this mission may end up to look like, I'm afraid." West answered to the both of us.

"What do you mean, man?" Wash asked with a questionable look on his face.

"We all know why Death Wish always get nearly to truly impossible missions, right?"

I looked at him with confusion and so did Wash, we weren't fully aware of the reason. Was West listening on the Director's muttering nonsense? I don't know.

"Well... me with my observations of how the Director and the Counselor have acted around us, well... they mentioned the one thing I have suspected for a while now. It's in the squad name, those who get put on to the squad well safe yes the best of the best but we are expendable. A very bad sign, meaning whenever we die, the Director only cares only for our armor being destroy and he has a massive dislike for all four members of our team, Mass. He hates me due to me being a former crime lord whom was a master of our doing his Freelancers. He hates Arizona due to Arizona being the one to out due the guy whom he originally wanted part of the Freelance. He hates Alaska due to the one thing about Alaska that we all see whenever it comes to you, he protects you from any form of danger. He's hated you due to the one thing that not even Nebraska talks about, your strength to over come comes from the insanity that is your mind. Plus, he hates you and your brother due to being notorious to subdue even the strongest of Freelancers."

"Wait... you mean that he has been trying to get rid of us?" I asked with surprise.

"He hadn't been trying really hard until this mission, I just heard he hired a mercenary to try and take one of us out."

Wash was also surprised, he didn't mind the Director but if it came down to a choice between me or the Director and he had to save one of us it would be me he would save. Even against my will.

I was speechless, I wanted to find a place where I could just die in loneliness. To know that the Director was going to start picking off my whole team due to our pasts. It made my stomach feel awful. Then we saw Alaska, Missouri, and Maine wall over. They all were laughing, leave it to them to have fun.

"What's up?" Alaska asked me as he calmly took off his helmet, letting his shaggy, pink hair down as some of it covered his golden eyes. He noticed that I was quiet for some odd reason.

"Was there something wrong that happened?" Miss asked through sign language.

"<Duneer, I will have to inform you and Arizona while we'll getting ready in the locker room.>" I said in Royal Sangheilli.

"<Okay, but please hold yourself together. We don't need you losing your cool.>" He replied in Royal Sangheilli.

I nodded as my reply then we went into the briefing room. The Director and the Counselor were already in there, the Director looked rather calm but the Counselor knew something was up with me, he seemed to have learned me in the short amount of time I was here with my teammates. Arizona and the others joined us, and surprisingly Nebraska, my commanding officer from the HSMC was here as well.

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