2-New Mission

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After seeing after three hours of Alaska's nonsense, Carolina was able to catch him. Thank God I recorded it all to so you can guess why I keep the video.

[Are you serious about keeping the recording?] Keeper asked me knowing what I was going to do with it.

Well, it is a 'just in case'. I replied.

As I was heading to the observation deck, Wash running to me.

"Wait up, Mass." He said causing me to stop and wait for him. "Jesus, how can you walk so fast?"

"Sorry, just a normal trait of mine." I replied with a smile underneath my helmet.

"I see."

Me and him entered the observation deck and looked out at the state beyond, forming a very beautiful show before the two of us. My eyes widened in amazement and so did Wash's. Wash took off his helmet and I did the same.

My blonde hair with light blue ends hanged down in a ponytail with some of my hair covering the tops of my gamma eyes, basically take true green make it far truer than it already is and you got what gamma eyes look like. Don't ask how it works because well no one truly can explain.

We were about to kiss until we heard FILSS come over the comma and say. "Death Wish Squad, report to the briefing room."

"<Damn!>" I said in Sangheilli. "Guess we'll save the kiss for when I get back, David?"

"Yeah." He replied with a smile on his face.

I smiled back as I turned and started to walk over to the briefing room, putting on my black and blue recon helmet on.

Author's Note:
Oh yeah, at this time Wing had black as her primary and dark blue as her secondary. There are reasons why she did this.

I walked over to the briefing room to see Arizona and West already there. Arizona wore a set of steel hayabusa armor with white trim while West wore black war master with red trim.
Alaska walked in not long after me wearing his white locus armor with it's golden trim.

"Good, you all are here." The Director said with the Counselor behind him. "Now you four have a new mission."

"Finally, I was getting bored." Arizona said. He was fairly young although so am I, being the same age as Washington well... you feel pretty young yet, I am the most experienced fighter and leader in my entire team.

"This one is a stealth based mission, meaning you'll being so this mission without raising the alarm. You all are going to be in a heavily fortified base with a ton of security and guards, you're mission is to neutralize this target." The Director said as the Counselor presented the image of a Steellancer named Snipe. I recognized him because me and him used to paired up, him as my spotter and me as the shooter.

"Your mission starts in five minutes, gear up and head to the hanger bay." He continued. "Dismissed."

We all walked out and headed for the locker room, grabbing out weapons. I pulled out my Sniffer Rifle while I heard the sound of Montana's rocket launchers fall out of her locker while she was working on her rail gun. An He groaned and went over to the locker and set them back in, Alaska and Arizona were scared out of their wits to see her calmly stuff those suckers in there.

She turned and said. "What?! You both are giving me that state of like I just planted a bomb in my own fucking locker."

"Boys, your grab gear and let's go." I said to them. They nodded and followed my orders to the letter.

West, Arizona, and Alaska walked out of there while I was about follow then Montana stopped me and said. "You know, one day you're going to end up dead."

"Yup, but until then I will be doing what is needed to be done." I said to her as I walked out.

And that's chapter two for y'all. Sorry for the massive delay, my parents were updated for the past few days so yeah. Hoped you enjoyed.

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