7-Getting Things off My Chest

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Locker Room, Mother of Invention...
One day later...

I and Carolina were getting geared up before heading into the Briefing Room, our teams were about to be going a mission together and well... we both didn't want to do the whole give minute dress up thing again.

"Listen, I was wondering if you are alright, after what happened yesterday?" Carolina started as she put on her shoulder plates.

I looked at her and then at the ground trying to word out my answer in a way that she would understand. Then I said. "No... I have never wanted to let anyone know about well... who I use to be, Carolina and the Director managed to get Reds to bring out that old side of me and..."

She put her and on my shoulder and said. "We all have things that we don't like to show. I understand, it is hard for you to hold that past back, isn't it?"

I nodded a yes to her. We both sat down as I explained why I never wanted to show that side to anyone who I called friend. I told her of why I was mentally unstable and how the old side played a major role in that. She heard the story I rarely tell,the story of my past, a past of blood, gore, and brutality; the things I hate the most were the things my enemies known me for. Every brutal kill just forced me closer to insanity, I even told her about how at the age of twelve I was trained to never think about the inhuman killing methods as inhuman.

When I finish she was surprised to hear such a story that was true about myself. Then she asked. "Does Wash know if this?"

"Yes, he knows because he witnessed me when I used to be like that all the time. He is one of the reasons I have up on that side, I loved him to much to let him think of me as a monster."

"I know why it is like to try and give up your past self to become something better, to start over. York, I hope will be one who I start over with. Mass, you are no monster, this I know personally, your every action, your every reaction proves to are more human than any other human here."

I smiled and said. "Thanks, Carolina."

She returned a smile back to me then FILSS came in the comms and said. "Death Wish and Carolina's Team to the briefing room."

"Damn, you were right about us going on a mission together."

We both laughed then I said as I grabbed the Sniffer Rifle. "When have I been proven wrong?"

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