22-The Alexander Affect (Part 2-A Hell of An Explanation)

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West and Wash woke and heard my very angry voice call West's name. The two rushed over to see me not as a human but as a grunt, Wash was an elite and West was a... Spartan II. The glare I gave expressed how I felt right now.

"Uh, Mass? Hehe, why are you a grunt?" West asked while trying to hold in his laughter. He went to pull out his tacpad and was about to take a picture of me but Wash said. "Don't, you'll only make her angry."

"Shisno! We're in an alternate universe where I'm a grunt, Wash is an elite, and West... uh..." I said. "<Damn it dad with your theory being correct about if you were to jump into different universes you become you as in who or what you are within said reality.>"

"You know, hearing you as a grunt, muttering in Sangheilli is the most terrifying thing I've heard from you." West joked.

"West, find your donut, now!"

"Yes, ma'am."

I looked back at myself in the water and glared at my own thoughts. The fact that I was living my father's theory was something I did not want to do.

"So, we are now experiencing my father's theory, aka the Alexander Affect." I said over to Wash.

"Well... Shit!" He said in surprise.


"FOUND IT!!" West cried as he bit into said donut.

"Oh fuck!" Wash said as we went teleporting.

I know, really short chapter. I promise for some longer ones.

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