27-Where Angels Fall From Grace(Part 2-Not Gonna Die)

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I and Alaska were now fighting our way through a base to ensure one thing, we didn't die, for one thing was for certain, the Director had it out for us and he no longer hid it. From us, Arizona still was with us but he was not down on the ground, whatever the Director had in mind for him, I would not let happen because he had gone through enough torment.

Alaska punched a guy to the side, I shot one in the head and smashed another with the butt of my rifle. Then we saw the Mother of Invention leave us. Shit! I hissed again to myself.

Then I remembered the one thing about the planet we were on, their was a prowler and I was a Ace pilot. An evil grin with a brilliant idea came into mind.

"Alaska, remember that guy you befriended?" I yelled to him.

"Yeah." He asked as he shot up a couple guys and kicked one's head in.

"Call him in and tell him to lock on to Arizona's coordinates, we're getting him and showing the Director who really is the Fox of this crew."


Soon we were in the middle of combat when we heard the voice of the one and only... yes the Director got some basis from this guy for the A.I. that bugs the Reds and Blues. Vic Victorian.

"Hey dude! What's up?" Vic asked Alaska.

"We got a mission, we got to get back to our crew but their ship left the system. Could you send us a hand?" Alaska asked.

"Uh, of course..."

"Good, sending our coordinates."

I and Alaska were trading off shots now, and our guns. He shot a guy in the head then I mowed down a bunch of guys with his SAW. They seemed endless but we had to fight on, we did fight on.

"Watch the sky, dudes. I'm coming in!" Vic said. We saw his ship come in. We both looked at one another and knew what to do. We were now rushing to get on board. We would not fail this time, Alaska jumped on first and he was holding out his hand for mine.

"Come on! You can make it, sis!" He yelled to me.

I jumped and grabbed on to his hand as he pulled me up I heard Vic say. "Dude, you're crazy!"

"Yup, and it works. Now we have to get back to the others and I will definitely smack the Director this time." I replied.

Alaska and I were sitting on the floor, catching our breaths when he said. "What is your plan, sis?"

"Uh, what else. I'm winging it!" I replied.

"A grand plan. A very grand plan."

Project Massachusetts: Wills Never Die (Red vs Blue Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang