25- The Alexander Affect (Part 5- WTF West?!)

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Admittedly, this was possibly the weirdest thing I and my friend ever thought of but it shall be in due to it just being the one thing West would do... Here we go...

"West, what the Hell is your bloody idea and why are you at a soda machine?!" I asked.

"Just winging it like you do, you two in position?" West asked both me and Wash as we say above everyone looking down at the scientists as they tried to figure out what the Hell it was.

"Uh, yeah." Wash said.

"Good, now tell me... Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?"

"Go with the Coke."

He bought a coke and took a single sip and all me and Wash heard was him screaming. "NO! IT'S DIET COKE! BURN THEM ALL!"

Then he threw it at the power board, which was odd that they had it next to the soda machines where a certain someone could "accidentally" throw it at the thing.

The power went off, everyone was freaking out as me, Wash, and West snuck over and grabbed the donut and got out of there. We teleported right into our lockers on board the Mother of Invention, apparently Carolina and York were outside and when they opened each locker that was ours, we each took a tumble.

"How the fuck did y'all get in there?" Carolina asked. We all looked at one another then I said. "Talk with West on that."

"You could say it was a dare." He replied covering up the truth or I would if killed him.

Yeah, weird as heck but it was admittedly shorter than I hoped but we are soon getting to the major point where the dominos fall down. Hoped you enjoyed and stay tuned.

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