3-Sniped Snipe

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"Looks like we've arrived." I said to my team.

We were looking at the location of the Steellancer named Snipe, he was one of their best snipers of the Steellancers, yet he would die to a sniper of the Angel Spartan program, a Bar. I loaded a clip into the Sniffer Rifle.

"Looks like someone is ready for stealth ops." West joked.

I gave him a giggle, the chaos was about to start.

The pelican landed a few clicks away from the base. We carefully looked around to see if there was any signs of any scouting teams. None, thank God. I motioned for the team to move to the base. We all made our move, taking it nice and quiet. The shadows were in our favor tonight.

[4 snipers up on the top of the wall.] Keeper said to me.

I shot all four of them, thanks to the silencer on the Sniffer Rifle that I put on it. I don't put on it often but tonight we needed to have it quiet.

"Move up." I said to the team.

We climbed the wall, removing the bodies from the equation. Throwing them off the wall, into the shadow of the wall bellow. We ran into the dark.

"Keeper, maybe knock out the lights and electricity for us." Alaska said.

"Sure thing." Keeper said.

Only a few seconds later, the power failed in the base. We moved taking advantage of the power failure that Keeper caused, we took out any soldier in our way silently and his their bodies. Either killing them by breaking their necks or with a blade of some form. I used the knife that Wash gave me, he was teaching me how to properly use said knife. It was not normal to see a knife like Wash's.

It has a bigger blade with black metal to coat the true element it is made of. Yellow lined the handle and the name "David" was engraved into the blade itself. Wash once told me to hold on to the blade because it would become more and more useful to me as he trained how to properly use said knife. Although, when the day comes, he will need it to fight in battle.

The risk of being seen was lowered every man we killed. Then our target appeared holding a big rifle, he knew that I was here by the fact that his power failed, unlike most Steellancers. He had a sense of honor amount the Bar. Understood it so he could properly challenge me.

"Headshot, you here?" He asked calling me out to challenge my rank.

I appeared from the shadows. My rifle held in my hand and laid upon my shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw me answer the call of a challenger.

"<Face me with all of your honor, we do this with no witness. Only our words to speak of what was not seen here.>" I said in Sangheili to him.

"Yes, no one shall watch as one of us falls, carrying the kill in the quiet shadows. While the kill watches forever on the sidelines." He said following up the phrase. That phrase only a Bar knows as the challenge phrase to end the life of a Bar formerly. Usually with witnesses and the kill always mentioned even after the duel. Yes, it literally means the total opposite.

I started myself, holding the barrel of my rifle to the sky. My form reflect my honor, while his did the same with his rifle to the ground, the caller of the challenge must follow that form. This man showed a sense of respect for such things that only Haven Bars are known to do, especially the Bar snipers.

He went to fire only to meet my bullet to his head, that is the thing about me. I was the best sniper in the Bars.

I walked over to his corpse and said in Sangheili. "<And only the victory will remember the face of the kill. Minimum war raged, all left like you left the world in you sleep but only shown by a bullet to the head.>"

"Target neutralized, command." Alaska said seeing me remove the one thing not even he was inspecting, a Bar's barcode ID plate.

"Well done, then. Prepare for extraction." The Director said.

"What was that?" Arizona asked me as I got up holding the ID plate.

"A Bar duel. Only seen when a Bar challenges the skill and honor of another. In the end either the challenger walks away or the challenged." I replied as we walked calmly to where we were picked up by Four-seven-niner.

Yeah, not many truly will understand the honor that the Bars have. Wing doesn't bring up the honor of a Bar often unless something like this happens. Anyways hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one.

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