I put my phone away and approached them, "So, walking you won't do yet.. but this is cool?" I leaned on the edge of the crib.

They laughed at me.

"Are you laughing at me?"

"Ma-mma" Ali laid back, as he brothers continued laughing and covering their little mouths with their hands. I reached in and started tickling Liam.

I played with them a while more until Aubrey came in with the bottles.

"Ooh daddy brought you guys some milk." I announced.

"Da-d-da." Oliver attempted.

"Did you just say Daddy?" Aubrey got excited.

"Um, no way." I shook my head.

"Yes he did." he playfully shoved me to the side.

"Well I guess Liam will have to be our tie-breaker." I shrugged as I picked him up.

"I brought 3 bottles, but I wasn't sure if you were gonna breastfeed." he held a bottle towards me.

I groaned, "I was hoping to be done with that by now."

"You really don't like breastfeeding huh?" he pointed out.

"They have teeth now, it hurts." I ran my fingers through Liam's curls. "How long are you supposed to breastfeed for?"

"I don't know, the twins were breastfed until they were around 2 and a half." he shrugged and picked up Ali.

"Two and a half?! I can't do that." I shook my head. "I can go a while longer, but thats ridiculous. They're not even technically considered babies anymore at two and a half."

"Okay." he accepted.

"But I'm definitely not doing two at a time." I warned.

"So you haven't been breastfeeding them at all since..?"

"I was slowly doing it less and less." I explained, "like once a day or every other day for each of them.. I didn't want to stop completely without talking to you first."

"Even though its your body?" He raised an eyebrow.

"But they're also your kids." I reasoned, "And I know you feel like its an important thing for them to have. So its not my place to make the executive decision to stop, at least not without discussing it."

He smiled and hugged me with his free arm. I walked over to the rocking chair with Liam and pulled one of my breasts out for him. Aubrey sat Ali on the floor and gave her a bottle to feed herself while he grabbed Oliver. He sat beside Ali and began feeding Oliver.

"Before I forget, Lydia and I were wondering if you'd want to do an interview with me next weekend. Lydia and Anita are gonna be out of town." I mentioned.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he countered.

"Why wouldn't I want to show off my husband?" I winked. "But only if you want to do it.. I don't want to force you or anything."

"Okay." he shrugged.


"Yeah, I'll go." He agreed.

"Oh this will be fun." I snickered.

We brought the triplets to the basement where they had a whole section to roam free without getting into anything. Aubrey and I laid on the couch together and turned on TV.

"Remind me to take a picture of you next time you get out of the shower." I requested.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He playfully nipped my neck.

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