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Word count: 3190 (The longest chapter in this book)

Alexa's POV: 

"Come on Alexa don't be so scared" I hear Caroline say from next to me, "Just go for it" 

"Caroline, I really don't want to, I mean the river is probably like -30 degrees" I over exaggerate. 

"Don't be such a party pooper Lex" Elena said from next to Caroline, why do they always have to team up on me? 

"Hey guys, if she doesn't want to jump into  the freezing cold water then she doesn't have to, just lave her be this is her night, not yours" Rebekah instantly comes to my side. 

"Whatever Rebekah, you're just jealous because all the attention is on Alexa and you're getting none of it" Caroline says bitterly. Wowie okay... 

"Oh shutup Caroline, the only reason you're helping Alexa is because you want to get into her good books and if you're in Alexa's good books you're also in his good books" Rebekah spits back. Who's he? Stefan? I mean I knew that she liked him, but damn going this far, or was I missing something? 

"You just had to go and ruin this night for Alexa didn't you Rebekah? All of my hard work wasted just like that" Caroline threw her arms up in the air to exaggerate her movements. 

"Your hard work!?!?, oh please give me a break!" Rebekah yelled. 

"Okay guys, maybe just calm down a bit" Bonnie said softly. 

"Bonnie stay out of this" Caroline said harshly. 

"EVERYONE STOP!" My wolf side was beginning to pop out, I was just getting really frustrated with everyone, they wouldn't just drop it. 

"Okay Alexa, calm down, breathe, count to 10" Rebekah said trying to calm my wolf side down. It worked thankfully. 

"Let's just go home Beks, I don't want to stay out anymore it's 1am and it's cold, I just want to go home to my daughter" I said in a soft whisper. 

"If that's what you want" She put her hand on my back and began to walk back to the boarding house with me. 

Once we got there, the house was completely empty, besides Jeremy who had crashed on the couch and Hope who was snuggled in next to him. 

"Seems like someone was tired" I chuckle and walk over, picking Hope up and walking up the stairs to her room. I gently laid her onto her bed and tucked her in, she stirred around a bit, "Mommy?" She said croakly.

"I'm here angel" I smile down at her, what did I do to deserve such a beautiful daughter, "Go back to sleep sweetheart, we have a big day tomorrow" I whisper while rubbing her forehead with my thumb, it always got her back to sleep, it's funny because that's what my mother used to do to me when I couldn't fall asleep and now I was doing it to my own daughter. 

"Night Mommy" She whispered before her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing became even, meaning she was asleep. I placed a tender kiss on her forehead and made sure all the windows were closed and locked, before leaving the room and going downstairs to see Jeremy, he was still crashed on the couch so I grabbed a blanket from the cupboard and draped it over him. I turned off the TV. 

"I'm gonna head off to bed now, I'll see you in the morning future Sister-in-law" Rebekah spoke quietly behind me. 

"Night Beks, thanks for tonight" I gave her a genuine smile and a hug. 

"It's fine, now go to sleep, we don't want you having bags under your eyes" She winks and walks up the stairs, leaving me to lock all the doors and windows. 

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