What Do You Want

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I downed the pint that Matt had handed me, "So what sorrows are you drowning in today?" Matt asked.

"Family Problems," I said bluntly, "It's a long story"

"Rightio, I won't question it" I smiled a bit until someone pulled the seat out beside me,

"Ello Damon"

"Go away Klaus, I am not in the mood for your mind games today"

"Me, Playing Mind games, hardly, i just need something from you" He smirked

"What do you want" I was getting frustrated at this point.

"I want you to meet me at this address at sundown, don't be Late, but don't be early, I hope to see you there" He handed me a small piece of paper, I looked beside me to see nothing, he had sped away, great, just the thing I need to top off my afternoon. Matt handed me another pint of beer, "Here, you need it" I chugged down the glass of beer, then walked out.

3 Hours Later:

"Stefan I'm going out for a few hours" I yelled from the front door.

"Okay, Have fun" I heard him say from the Family Room

"Don't Miss me too much" I yelled out, I heard a slight grunt coming from the room. The sun was just beginning to set, "This better be good Klaus, or I swear, I will stick an Oak Wood Stake through whatever bit of heart you have left" I spoke to myself.

The woods were beginning to get frosty from the chilly Winter air, I walked upon a small Barn house, I check the piece of paper, confirming that this was the place where I was to meet Klaus. The wind was starting to pick up, I opened the large, wooden red door and when I did a gust of warm air hit my face, "Oh I see you made it, without FrostBite" I laughed at his smart Remark,

"Unfortunately for you, yes I did, Now what do you want Klaus?" I asked

"I have someone that I need you to meet, but ya see she won't come to Mystic Falls for me, so I need you to call her for me," He said bluntly

"May I ask who this person is?" I asked curiously

"You will find out, that's if you choose to do this small favour for me"

"Fine, What's the number?" After putting the number into my phone, Klaus sat on a hay bale across from me, I put it on loudspeaker and began to dial the number,

"Hello?" A strong British voice said.

"Hi, um, My names Damon Salvatore," I said

"hahaha, let me guess Klaus compelled you to do this, well it's very funny, but Damon Salvatore died centuries ago"

"Sorry, what's your name may I ask?" I stared at Klaus as he smirked.

"Alexa Salvatore, Now tell me who put you u-" I interrupted her.

"A-Alexa?" I was shocked, Klaus started to snicker. 


"No, I refuse to believe it's you, Klaus you're very funny, here have the phone, Alex got taken away 2 centuries ago, she died, I didn't think you'd stoop this low, I threw the phone at him and left. This is outrageous, it can't be her. Klaus stood at the door.

"Ello Love," He said into the phone,

"Klaus, I just knew you were behind this, you know that's cruel, you used my weakness against me, I lost my brothers ages ago" I could tell the girl was crying so I stopped walking, a flicker of hope burned inside me.

"Now, Now sweetheart, Don't give up hope, that wasn't one of my tricks, you see right now I'm looking right into Damon Salvatore's eyes, your brother's eyes," He said.

"LIAR!" she screamed. I ran up to Klaus and took the phone from him.

"Alexa Salvatore?" I asked

"That's me"

"It is me, you're older brother," I said still shocked

"Well if it's really you, tell me something only Damon or Stefan would know," she said.

"When you were 7 I brought you to your first Ball ever, Father beat me for days after that, because we were both grounded, but we never listened to him. The dress you wore that night, I bought for you, it was yellow with white lace along the bottom and ofcourse it had to be down to about your ankles otherwise it wouldn't be classified as a dress oh and it had to be poofy because then you would feel like a princess" Tears were running down my cheeks.

"It's really you, b-bu-bu-but how?"

"I could ask you the same thing, but if you know Klaus i guess I already know the answer and you already know the answer to your question to" She laughed, "Alexa"


"Can you come back to Mystic Falls, I need help with Stefan, he's in trouble" I lied.

"What do you mean Trouble Damon?" I could hear the worriedness in her voice.

"He's being held captive by Klaus' father, Mikael" I lied again.



"Look" I felt a small tap on my right shoulder, I spun around to see my little sister standing there.

"Alexa, it's really you"

"In the flesh" She smiled. I turned back to thank Klaus, but he was gone.

"I have someone that really wants to see you" I said to Alexa

"Oh really who?"

"Well come and see for yourself" She nodded, I vamp sped away to the Boarding House, Alexa following behind me.

"The boarding house?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, our old house kind of got burnt down after the Vampires and witches got found after you left" I looked down to my feet, "Anyways let's go" I grabbed her hand and walked into the Family Room,


"Yes Damon, I am here" I followed the voice to the kitchen.

"I have someone that you will want to see" He looked past me,

"You can come in now" Alexa walked into the kitchen and immediately Stefan recognized her, his face dropped. He ran to her and squeezed her into the biggest hug.

"I...Can't...Breathe" Alexa gasped for air, Stefan immediately let go of her.

"Sorry i just... How...Wait nevermind i think i know how but" A wave of confusion went over Stefan,

"Well, I can explain that in a few minutes but first of all, Damon you lied to me" She glared at me.

"Oh yeah, It was the only way to get you here, I'm so sorry I lied" I said.

"It's fine i forgive you, but It isn't going to be easy to forgive me im so sorry Damon, Stefan" Tears were rolling down her cheeks, "I will explain everything i promise" I wiped the tears off her cheek, I smiled.

"You don't have to explain today, I will make us dinner, then we can sit down and catch up, then sleep, tomorrow you can explain why you left us and what happened, sound okay?" I asked, she nodded, I pulled her in for one more hug and kissed her forehead, "I missed you so much my dearest sister" She smiled at me.

"I missed you Both too"

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