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Alexa's POV: 

I peeped around the corner, making sure that everything was all clear so that Nik could walk in, 

"Alexa?" A deep voice said from behind me. I jumped about 50 feet high and turned around. 

"Matt" I sighed in relief, I walked up to give him a hug, "What are you doing here?" 

"Well Stefan and Damon are going to be putting Elena's name in the deed, so I'm just here to supervise I guess" he chuckled, Sugar Honey Ice Tea. 

"Oh why are they doing that?" I asked pretending to be concerned. 

"You know, to keep the unwanted guests out" Matt replied, "Like the Mikaelsons" I nearly choked on my spit. 

"Oh Okay" I regained my posture, "Well I'll be down in a minute, just gotta get dressed" 

Matt nodded and walked off, leaving me to find out what the frickle frackle I do. 

"What are we gonna do, the second Elena signs the deed, I won't be able to come in anymore, unless she invites me in, which is hardly going to happen" Niklaus sighed. 

I look out the window to see the rain still pouring down and lightning bolts striking the ground outside. 

"Also you do realise, I can go out there, I'm already dead, a bolt of lightning wont change that" He chuckled. 

"Yeah I know, but I was using it as an excuse for you to stay over" I blushed. Niklaus laughed even more and pulled me into his chest. 

"You're too cute, love" He gave me that million-dollar smile that I love, "I better be off then, don't want Damon or Stefan to spot me" I pouted, pulling his shirt and him towards me. 

"Please don't leave me" I said, most people would've thought that I meant for him not to leave the house and go home, but that's not really what it meant.

I was asking him to stay with me,  not physically but emotionally, I was asking him to love me and never leave. 

"I wouldn't dream of such a thing my love" He leaned down and gave me a long kiss on the forehead, "I love you, sweet dreams." and with that he walked out of the house.

I huffed and began to walk up the stairs to my room, "Alexa, is that you?" I heard someone ask, I looked down the staircase to see Elena standing at the bottom, "We just need you to go outside, I'm about to sign the deed and you can't be in the house when I do" She smiled at me.

"Okay thanks, I'll be down in 5 minutes" I began to walk up again, when an even deeper voice called me, 

"Alexa, we need you downstairs now" I rolled my eyes and looked down to see Damon standing where Elena once was. 

"Ugh fine" I stormed down the steps. 

"Woah, stop, what's with the attitude?" Damon grabbed onto my arm. I pulled my arm back and death glared him. 

"Oh nothing I'm just dandy" I reply sarcastically. 

"Is this is about us putting Elena's name in the deed because of the Mikaelsons?" He gave me the look that he gives everyone when they've pissed him off. But i give one just as bad back to him. 

"You're trying to control my life, you know that Niklaus and I are together" I yell at him.

"That's exactly why we're putting this deed on the house, because he's bad news and you two shouldn't be together" 

"Well too bad because I'm pregnant and it's with his child" I reply a bit more calmer that before. Damons mouth flings open

"Y-Y-You're Pregnant" Damon stutters out, I nod my head. 

"Alexa?" I turn around to see Stefan and Elena standing there, "You're pregnant?" 

All of this is overwhelming, I look back and forth from both of my brothers, then towards the door, I run out the door, not caring to look back, then using my vamp speed i run, until the wind picks up and it's harder to run. I stop just under a big oak tree. Looking at my surroundings,  I see a massive lake and a white mansion, this looks familiar. I begin to walk towards the house, wondering who lives behind those walls. 

Curiousity taking over me, I knock on the big white doors, I wait about 20 seconds then begin to walk away, "Alexa?" I hear a voice asked, I spin around and see the famous Tyler Lockwood, "What are you doing here?

"I was walking, and um I saw the house and recognized it, so I thought I'd see who owned it" I reply awkwardly, shuffling my feet. 

"Come in, I'll grab you a hot drink and towel" He offered. 

"Um, yeah sure, why not, thanks" 

A/N: I know please don't attack me that took me ages to update. But i finally got off my butt and did it. As you all know from last time i updated this story has been entered in the Wattys. I would reallllllyy appreciated it if you guys could either: 

-Share this story to your friends that enjoy TVD or the Originals. 



-Enjoy reading this book 

If you guys could do either of those things I will legit love you forever. 

Anyways, I hope that whoever is on holidays right now are enjoying it as much as i am (No sarcasm there) Nah Holidays are boring af I miss all my friends, but I'll be seeing them soon so it's no big deal. 



~AMY xoxo

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