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Klaus' POV: (OoOoOoO) 

"I love you Lex" 

Did I just... 

I did 

I told her

My bones began to snap as I didn't want her to be out there by herself so I chose to Shift too. 




(Snap Crackle pop) 

Then nothing... 

Alexa's POV:

My eyes began to open, I could feel the wet dirt floor beneath me, where in lord's name am I? 

I heard something stir beside me, I shot up and looked beside me to see Niklaus, a very naked one too... We were in the middle of the woods just outside of the house 

Yesterday's events came flooding into my brain, Damon and Stefan coming over, me arguing with Niklaus, I shifted into a wolf and Niklaus told me he loved me. 


Niklaus told me he... loves me. 

and I shifted oh god... 

I looked down to see that nothing was covering my body, I heard a chuckle come from beside me, I looked down to see Niklaus awake and entertained, "Take a picture it lasts longer" I shot. 

"Oh trust me love if I had my phone I would" He smirked. Pervert. I slapped his arm playfully. 

"Gross" we both laughed. Wow he's hot, his laugh is hot, his abs, his muscles, Everything is perfectly hot. 

"Enjoying the view?" Niklaus asked. I immediately felt the heat rush to my cheeks, "Aww you're blushing" He teased, then began to scan my body too. 

"Okay I think that's enough" I said embarrassed. I went to stand up, my legs wobbled and they gave way, Niklaus Bolted up and caught me, "Thank you" I blushed again, What's with all this blushing? 

"You haven't shifted in a while have you?" He asked me. I shook my head, ever since the incident with Niklaus and my baby I didn't want to Shift, I didn't want to be reminded that deep down I am a monster, a monster that could kill anyone in it's way so I just stopped shifting and there was no one there to tell me to, because I was alone, I purposely isolated myself. 

I continued to walk, Niklaus ran up behind me and placed a jacket onto my shoulders, "Here you go love, I don't want you to get cold" I smiled, he's so cute. 

After about 5 minutes of walking and silence, we made it to the house we opened the door silently because if anyone came out they wouldn't be impressed by the view, I wouldn't blame them to be honest. Once the door was fully opened I vamp sped up the stairs and to the room, Niklaus did the same, I shut the door and grabbed some clothes out of the drawers, "I'm gonna grab a shower" I stated before closing the bathroom door behind me, I heard Niklaus sigh from behind the door, then two knocks, "Hey, I'm sorry" Niklaus said through the door. 

"For what?" 

"For asking you, I knew you hadn't and I knew why too, I shouldn't have Brought it up" I could hear the guilt in his voice, I opened the door to see his head in his hands, he looked up at me. 

"It's not your fault" I held his hand, "Never forget that" 

"I don't deserve your forgiveness" His eyes had tears in them, "I know it was my mother, but it was me that ki-" I cut him off by smashing my lips into his, this wasn't like many others we have shared it was an aggressive one, we were both craving the taste of the others lips. I dragged him into the bathroom, he slammed the door shut, "Are you sure?" He broke the kiss and asked, I answered his question by taking his shirt off and continuing the kiss, I started the shower from behind me and then we both continued to tear each other's clothes off, I paused for a second, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing" I hesitated, "I love you too Nik" 

He smiled, then slowly pushed me into the shower.

Then we had tea and cookies. 


But it was as enjoyable as having tea and cookies... 

A/N: Soooo that happened. I felt VERY uncomfortable just writing that and it wasn't even that deep. Sorry for the slow updates, I had so much tests and stuff, but I will be updating regularly now (Being like 2-4 times a week) as I am on Easter break for two weeks and by the time I get back I won't have much tests and assignments

so yah 



The Youngest SalvatoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora