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Niklaus' POV: 

"Dad?" Hope asks me, I look down at the small child in my arms and a smile immediately finds its way onto my face. 

"Yes angel?" I ask her. 

"Can we have a race with Aunty Bonnie?" She asks me with an innocent look. 

"Aunty Bonnie can't run like your dad can" Bonnie answers for me. 

"Oh okay" Hope says a bit disappointed.

"But that doesn't mean we can't have our own little race" I say smiling down at her, 

"Yay!" She squeals, I tighten my hold on her, but before i race off i take a quick glance back at Bonnie, she just smiles, "Go ahead, I'll catch up" 

"THANK YOU AUNTY BON BON!" Hope squealed. Then I vamp sped through the forest, Hope kept giggling in my arms, the wind was blowing her hair all around the place, "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN DAD!"

I chuckle and in a matter of 10 seconds we are standing out the front of the Salvatore Boarding house, I would've much preferred my mansion that was just a few blocks away, but Alexa said she wanted to be closer to her brothers, so wherever she goes I go. 

"Now Hope, you know Tyler?" I ask sweetly. 

"Yeah Uncle Tyler, he's dead now... which is sad" 

"It is very sad, especially for your mother, but you have to pinky promise me something" 

"Okay, anything" She smiled up at me. 

"You need to promise me that you will never ever mention Tyler again" I say slowly. Her head tilts to the side in confusion. 

"Why though, did he do something to hurt Mommy?" She asks me, that made my heart melt and I knew I couldn't ask her to do something so big. 

"Okay.... I'm here" Bonnie said running inside breathless, I stood up and walked over to her. 

"We need to refer to Plan B" I whisper into her ear, Plan B consisted of us taking away the memory of Tyler from Hope's mind. It was a hard decision, Hope absoulutely adored Tyler, every two months or so Tyler would travel from wherever he was just to meet Hope. He'd take her out for a day or two then leave again. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pretty sure she loved him nearly as much as me, they had a special bond, exactly like a father, daughter bond. 

"Are you sure about this Niklaus?"  Bonnie asks. 

"Yeah, I'm positive, it's the only way that we can all move on from this horrible tragedy"

"Okay, if you're so sure" Bonnie says uncertain, "Hope, can I have a quie ck talk with you in mummy's room?" Bonnie asks. 

"Okay aunty Bon Bon" She clutches onto Bonnie's hand and I watch as they skip up the stairs together. 

I wait about 5 minutes at the bottom of the stairs until Bonnie and Hope come walking down the stairs, I could immediately see the guilt written all over Bonnie's face. 

"Hey Dad!" Hope says and runs down into my arms. 

"Hey sweetheart" I whisper into her ear and run my hands through her hair, "Why don't you go back upstairs and play dolls?" I suggest.

"Will you come up and play dolls too" She asked me curiously.

"I'll be up there soon, I'm just gonna talk to Bonnie" I smiled down at her, this child is my life now and I love her more than anything. I put her down and allowed her to run up into her room. 

"Thank you so much for that Bonnie, I really owe you one" I said gratefully. 

"It's fine, I'd do anything for the kid" She smiled, "and Alexa and you ofcourse" 

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