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Alexa's POV: 

1 Year Later: 

Time is very precious, that's what a lot of people used to tell me, but I guess now that doesn't matter seeming as I'm immortal, right? 

Yeah well I was wrong... 

Time is very very precious, especially when you're immortal. 

You can always be killed, immortal or not, and that's what sucks. 

I look ahead of me, tears pooling up in my eyes, the coffin lies ontop of the stage, it's a black slick coffin, I chuckle to myself, it just screams him doesn't it, he'd love it. 

The memories started to flood through my mind, us dancing around in the kitchen, him making me pancakes with nuttella on them, he was so good to me. The tears began to stream down my face and before I knew it I was running out of the church, not caring who was watching, I couldn't handle watching anymore, it just hurts so much. The second i got outside of the church I fell to my knees sobbing. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay" I felt someone wrap their arms around me, "It's going to be okay, I promise" They whispered into my ear, which calmed me down a little. 

"Love, look at me" They said, I looked up into his blue eyes, he gave me a small smile and pulled me into his chest.  

"I can't believe it, he's gone, he's really gone Nik" I mumbled, "Tyler's gone, dead and it's all of my fault" I push Niklaus off of me and stand up, but he stands up with me and grabs my face making me look back into his eyes, 

"Hey, it's not your fault, don't say that" 

"It is my fault!" I scream, "Goddammit, if I had've just stopped him from leaving all those years ago, it's all my fault, I broke it off with him, I broke his heart and now look where it's lead us, h-he killed himself, on the day that would've marked our 7 year anniversary,  I don't think i can live with myself knowing it was my fault. He's dead, he's dead and it's all my fault" I fall to my knees once again and begin to scream, i don't know what I'm screaming at, maybe the world, maybe God for taking Tyler away from us all, maybe I'm screaming at myself for being such a damn fool. I cradle myself, holding my knees. 

"Hey, what's going on out he- Alexa? Oh my god Alexa" I felt my older brother run up to me and hold me, "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked me in a soothing voice. 

"It's all my fault Damon, it's all my fault that Tyler took his own life, he pulled his own heart out and killed himself, all because of me" I sob. 

"Hey, hey, no it's not your fault, none of us knew he would do this, we all thought he was happy with his new life" 

"WELL HE OBVIOUSLY WASN'T, I SHOULD'VE CHECKED UP ON HIM EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, I SHOULD'VE, I-I-I SHOULD'VE DONE SOMETHING TO STOP IT. NOW HE'S DEAD AND THE PAIN IS SO BAD DAMON, SO BAD" I scream out, by now a lot of our friends have heard our conversation and are now standing at the front of the church watching the scene unravel infront of them, "Please, make it stop, make the pain stop, damon, please" I whisper out. The pain of knowing that he killed himself because of me it's unbearable I can't deal with myself at the moment. 

"Klaus, do something" Damon says through gritted teeth, "Help her" 

"I-I can't do anything, she's a tribid, I can't compel her" He croaks out. 


"I can do it" I hear Bonnie say. 

"What do you mean?" Damon asks her. 

"I can do a spell that will allow Niklaus to compel her" (A/N: I have no clue if this is a real thing I just made it up lmao) 

"Please Bonnie" I whisper out, "Just make it stop" 

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