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Alexa's POV: 

So in the last chapter it was around June (Summer), but in this chapter it will be September (The eve of their wedding) :)) Enjoyyy... 

"WAKE UPPPPPPP" I hear in my ear, I jump about 50 feet high, causing Niklaus to also jump up from beside me and ofcourse standing at my bedside with the biggest smirk on her face was Rebekah, "God, you guys are deep sleepers, i've been shaking both of you for the past 5 minutes" 

"What are you doing here Rebekah it's 7am" I say groggily, while shuffling out of the bed. 

"Well seeming as your wedding is tomorrow, I'm here to take you to your hen's night and Kol is downstairs to take Nik to his Bachelor party" Rebekah smiles. 

"I told Kol already I didn't want any of that, I just wanted to spend the day with my beautiful fiancée" Niklaus said frustratedly.

"Well we don't think that's fun enough, so now you're both going to get showers and dress in some party clothes" Rebekah winks at me, then struts out the room. I'm already out of the bed and have my robe on and slippers. 

Niklaus flops back down onto his pillow, "Come back to bed, ignore them" He pats the spot next to him. 

"No can do, I'm really not in the mood to get on Rebekah's bad side, plus you stink go have a shower" I say while throwing a pillow at him, 

"I'm offended, I thought you loved my body odours" He holds a hand to his chest. 

"Whatever" I chuckle, "If you hurry up, we might even be able to shower together" I say suggestively and like lightning he's up and at the bathroom door, I chuckle at that and walk towards him, "Good boy" I smile. 

20 minutes later: 

Niklaus and I just hopped out of the shower and i'm blowdrying my hair, "Hey do you know where my curling iron is?" I ask as i finish drying the last section of soaking wet hair. Nik walks back in with my curling iron a few minutes later, "Thanks my love" 

After curling my hair the best I could, I walked into my closet and looked for the best outfit I had, but couldn't find anything. 

"UGHHHH WHY DO I HAVE SUCH MUM CLOTHES" I groan in frustration. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I instantly melt in his arms. 

"Calm down Love, I'm sure there's something in here you can wear" His soothing voice says in my ear, "What about that dress you wore out on Marcel's birthday?" He asks. 

"No, everyone's already seen that one" I say while doing another quick scan of the wardrobe, then something catches my eye, Islowly unravel myself from Niklaus' arms and walk over to the dress, I pull it off the hanger and my jaw drops with shock. 

"Did you buy this?" I ask Niklaus, but he looks just as confused as me. 

"No, i've never seen that dress in my life" He says honestly. 

"Then wh-" Before i could finish my sentence Caroline barged into the room, 

"That would be me, I just couldn't help myself when i saw it. I knew it was the right dress for you" Caroline says in awe. 

"Oh um, thanks Car" I say, the biggest smile was on my face, but at the same time i was confused, if she thought this dress was beautiful then why didnt she just buy it for herself? 

Anyways, i didnt complain but i walked into the bathroom and put it on. 

Wow this was beautiful. I topped the dress off with a watch and some white frilly heels. 

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