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Alexa's POV:

"No, He-He can't be gone, Please" I cry out

"I can't hear a heartbeat anymore" I scream at Nik who's standing in front of me.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, MY BABY BOY IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" I yell and storm out of the house.

I wake up panting, Sweat is dripping down my forehead, Damon is at my side rubbing my shoulder, "What the hell happened" He asked concern all over his face.

"Just a nightmare," I say wiping my forehead.

"JUST a nightmare, you nearly screamed the house down," He said.

"Well, I'm fine" I push the covers off me and walk into the bathroom to grab a towel and turn the shower on, then look behind me, Damon is still standing there looking at me with a blank expression, "Do you mind I plan on getting into the shower, which I have to get you know naked for? I mean we are siblings but that would be classified as Incest and You're not my type" I tease. He laughs then walks out. I get in letting the steaming hot water hit my back, after about a 30 minute shower, I finished up and grabbed my clothes to get changed into. I went with a black leather Jacket to put over a black dress and some black boots, Now Makeup, I ended up just putting on a bit of foundation and concealer, then some red lipstick. My look is now complete and it goes so well with my Blonde hair. (Below)

I give myself one more look in the mirror, then head downstairs, I got to the 3rd last step when I could smell pancakes, I sped into the kitchen, "Wow calm down love" Stefan laughed,

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I give myself one more look in the mirror, then head downstairs, I got to the 3rd last step when I could smell pancakes, I sped into the kitchen, "Wow calm down love" Stefan laughed,

"YOU'RE...MAKING...PaNcAkEs!!" I scream.

"Well done Miss Obvious" I punched his shoulder.

"Well here's yours" He handed me a plate, "The maple syrup is over there" He points to the counter.

"Do you have any Nutella?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"No, I don't think s-"

"WRONG! See being the best brother I am, I went to the shops and brought you some" Damon walked into the kitchen and handed me the Jar of chocolatey goodness, My mouth began to water.

"How did you know?" I asked

"You said something about Nutella and Pancakes last night," Damon said, "So Stefan offered to make the pancakes while I went to the shops to get toppings" I hugged Stefan then pulled Damon in for one, "I missed you guys so much" 

"We missed you too, anyyywayyss let's dig in" Stefan said. I grabbed my plate and the Nutella, then began walking to the table, where we all ate breakfast. 


Stefan and I had just finished cleaning up everything and we were sitting down in the Living room with Damon, "So I guess it's time to clear the air on a few things" I said. Damon and Stefan nodded their heads, "Well, after I arrived last night, I started to think a lot about how you guys probably thought you did something, yes you guys looked after me so well. I was already thinking about running away, although I wasn't going to leave you guys like that, I was gonna ask you to come and get away from Father, but then looking at you two enjoying yourselves I couldn't bring myself to ask. I was going to stay and live through the pain if it meant I got to stay with you two but, then I heard something in the woods and of course me being me I had to go and check what it was" I stopped and looked down at my feet, not really wanting to continue.

"It was Rebekah, she was sat on a log, waiting for me, somehow she knew I was going to follow. But I felt something sting my neck and before I knew it, all I saw was black. When I woke up I was lying on a couch with some sort of handcuffs on, Elijah was sitting in front of me, he showed me what he was I was shocked but after a while of being told he wasn't going to hurt me I came around to the fact he was a vampire. Here's the crazy part, after about 3 weeks I found out I was a witch... a very powerful one to say the least. So I decided  stayed with the Mikaelsons, they would help me control my magic  and In return I helped them with spells and other things, after earning they trust, which may I say took at least 5 years, they asked me if I wanted to be one of them... an Original vampire, so of course I said yes without thinking of the consequences. They got some other witch to perform the spell. I was willing to give up my powers, but that wasn't what happened because as you know, usually it's either witch  or Vampire you can't have both. Well when I woke up, I was both, the witch somehow managed to let me keep my powers, so I was an original vampire witch thingy. I was confused and scared." I stopped and took a breath then looked up, Damon and Stefan were looking at me intently. 

 "We had planned to go Training one night and maybe on a hunting spree, it was the night of a full moon, meaning Niklaus couldn't come he had to be chained up, he filled me in on places not to go, as there would be a ton of wolf packs. I went out with Elijah and Kol, they taught me how to use my Vampire abilities, such as speed, Control and Compulsion. After we finished we then went to the nearest Camp site and I killed person after person, I know not my brightest moment but I was still getting the hang of control, don't judge. Anyways, afterwards we decided to call it a night and as were walking back to the house, I fell to the ground all of a sudden, I could feel EVERY bone inside my tiny framed body breaking, Elijah and Kol were immediately by my side, it was then I knew, somehow all this time I had werewolf genes" I took a long breathe I didn't know I was holding, God it felt good to get all that out, I still hadn't made any eye contact with my two brothers infront of me, but I could feel there stares ripping into me, "I'm sorry I know it's a lot to handle that I'm an Original Hybrid Witch monster, I'm just so s-" 

"Stop, please" Damon cut me off. I could feel the tears boiling up in my eyes, they hated me, good Job Lexa, Second day here and you're already kicked out just watch. "We aren't mad or sad. We're just shocked. Not at you, but how could that happen Nature has to balance it's way out, It's either you be a voodoo magic person, a vampire or a werewolf, not all of them" I nodded my head, understanding seemining as that was my first reaction too. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just as confused as you are still, but I'll give you time you know, to let everything sink in properly" They both said nothing, so I got up and headed towards the door, a hand caught my wrist on the way out I look down to see Stefan looking right into my eyes, "I love you and no matter what you're still my sister... OUR sister" I gave him a small smile and looked over at Damon, hoping his reaction was the same, but he was still looking down to the ground, obvious disgust in his eyes, that was me done, I sped out of the house. I stood at the front of the door, my back sliding down the brick wall slowly, I let everything out, the tears, the sobs, everything. 

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