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After calming myself down, I decided to take a walk back to the spot that I once used to go to when Damon and I were playing Hide and Seek as kids, the Lake about 5 miles from the Boarding House. I stood there skimming rocks across the water, Something I used to love doing before I left, this was Damon and I's spot only us two knew about it, not even Father which was such an advantage when he chased us down. 

"Ahem" Someone behind me clears their throat, causing me to jump and loose footing, leading in me heading straight towards the water, I closed my eyes waiting to go right under the water, but there was no splash, I fell my t-shirt, no water, I open my eyes to see those gorgeous blue orbs that I had grown to love and his hand wrapped securely around my waist, "Sorry love, it wasn't my intention to scare you" He smiled, I quickly wiggled out of his grip, which let me tell you is a bloody workout and a half, 

"You should never sneak up on someone like that, and why are you here?" I asked, obviously being caught off guard. Oh god, he's doing his signature Smirk, please stop otherwise I'm gonna loose all my self-control. 

"Don't be too excited to see me now my love" He looks at me, I look down to the ground 

"Please leave" I asked trying to sound strong, but it only came out as a soft whisper. Two fingers lift my chin up, I try look away but im brought up to look right in his eyes. He brings his lips close to me, I try with all my might to get out of his death grip, but there was no use... So as his face got closer and closer, I did the only thing anyone would do in this situation, I bit him right on the hand. Which he pulls back, but he just starts to chuckle... is he mental. 

"Love, incase you forgot I'm an original Hybrid too, Don't think that actually hurt me" I roll my eyes at his remark. 

"And incase you forgot I'm an Original Hybrid Witch, so I ALWAYS win" I give him a wink and slowly lift my hand up, he immediately falls to his knees clutching onto his head, He was in agony, because I did what I do best, I made noise, but this time in his head... Whoopsies. 

"Stop... Alexa... Stop" Is he as stupid as he sounds right now, I continue to give him pain, Until a wave of guilt washes over me, why am I doing this?. I pull my hand down, allowing him to slowly stand up, "That's a good girl, now please can we talk?" 

"ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME? I don't want to talk to you GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL" and with that I walked away, only to be grabbed by the wrist. "Do you reallllyy want a replay of what happened not even 30 seconds ago"I drag out the really and almost immediately he let's go, I continue walking never looking back to him, I don't know where I'm going, but I can smell people and where's there's people, there's always a bar.  LOGIC. 

----------5 MINUTES LATER----- 

I'm sick and tired of walking I fell like my legs could snap at any second. Just as I was about to loose hope I come across a group of teenagers, drunk teenagers, Great a bar, I turn the corner to see a row of tiny shops, in the middle of all this is a massive building called 'Mystic Grill' Okay if this isn't a bar I swear... 

I open the door to get a massive whiff of Alcohol, Jackpot, I pull out a bar stool to see a young gentleman come up from the other end, "Hi what can I get you tonight?" He asks, wow he's charming af, I look down to his name badge, 'Matt' I like it, "Can I please just get a glass of bourbon" I ask politely, I know if I grab something like Tequila I will never make it home and that's a fact. 

"So are you new to town?" He asks me with a smile, wow his teeth are so white, 

"Yeah you could say that, I lived here a long time ago" I say... oh crap did I say a long time ago, "I mean I moved when I was like 6 Soo... yeah" I try to make a smooth recovery, 

"Oh cool, Well I'm Matt Donovan, nice to meet you..." He asked, Holding his hand out, clearly looking for my name.

"Alexa, Alexa Salvatore" I take his hand shaking it, but his face drops, "Sorry did I say something wrong?" I ask. 

"Did you just say S-Salvatore?" He stutters. 

"Yeah, Why?" Oh no lord help me.

"Are you somehow related to Damon and Stefan Salvatore?" He asks, Oh great he knows, were my brothers so stupid they told a human they're Vampires, please let me be wrong. 

"Yeah I'm thei-" 

"Our Long lost, 15th Cousin" I was cut off by someone pulling a seat out beside me, I look down to my glass, knowing full well who's beside me. 

"Damon" Matt greets him, "Bourbon?" He asks. 

"Yes please, Donovan" I can feel his eyes sinking into me, he's staring right at me, well more like through me. 

Matt gives him his bourbon and he remains quite still, taking the occasional sip. I look up and decide that I honestly needed something stronger than this. 

"Hey Matt, do you think I could get some Tequila?" I ask, He nods and grabs out some shot glasses and the bottle of Tequila, but me being me stopped him and just grabbed the whole bottle. 

"Okay then, that works too" He says, I throw him a 'I'm very sorry, but I need this for what's coming' Look. He just nod and shrugs it off.

I begin to down the Tequila, the burning liquid travelling down my neck, leaving a sour and bitter taste in my mouth, but I soon got use to it after a couple of mouthfuls or maybe like 10 mouthfuls , "So are we gonna talk or are you just gonna sit there and say nothing like an idiot" I ask, okay Clearly the tequila is kicking in,

"I was going for the 'sitting here while saying nothing to look like an idiot' approach but I guess that's not very intimidating" He shoots back,

"Clearly" I mutter. 

"So you're one of them..." He asks. "A Mikaelson" I swear if looks could kill I would've killed Damon with the look I just gave him. 

"How dare you" I being to raise my voice, "So you're basically calling me a monster, because that's what you seem to think of them" 

He says nothing. 

Nothing at all. 

I slam the tequila bottle down on the table and begin to pick up my wallet, leaving a $40 bill on the counter, "Keep the change" I say to Matt, he gives me a small smile, Obviously after hearing bits of our argument. I give Damon a disgusted look, then begin to storm outside, How dare he say that, the Mikaelsons were my only family these past 100+ years. They helped me transition into my new life. 

I get to the boarding house, slamming the door on my way in and storm up the stairs, "Alexa?" I hear Stefan ask. 

"Yeah...It's me" I say, I hold in my sobs, I don't want him to hear me crying. I hear a gust of wind and of course Infront of me stands Stefan, 

"Hey, What's wrong?" He asks sympathetically. 

"I ruined everything Stefan, I should've never left you and Damon, I should've stayed, but I didn't and now you hate me and Damon absolutely hates me" I break down into tears, falling to my knees. Stefan kneels down and holds me in a tight hug, 

"I don't hate you, I was shocked at first, but I understand, Father was very abusive and the last thing I wanted back then was for you to get hurt, so hearing that story, It made me happy that you got away from the horrible life you had and began a brand new one, where you were happy" He rubbed my back. I stopped crying after a while, Stefan carried me into bed, taking my shoes off and putting me under the covers and he kisses me on the forehead before heading out of the room, giving one last look to make sure I was alright. 

The Youngest SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now