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You're welcome ^^^

Alexa's POV:

What am I going to do?

I laid in bed restless as ever, it was 4 in the morning and my eyes were wide open and my thoughts were running a million miles an hour. My throat began to turn dry from crying so much, so I slung my legs lazily to the side of the bed and slipped my pink rabbit slippers on and began to creep to my door and down the hallway. I was specifically careful when I got to the last 3 steps, knowing that they were the creaky ones, so i did a little leap of faith down the steps, my slippers leaving a small tap on the wooden floor.

The light of the fridge ended up making me half blind, because I didn't realise it'd be that bright, the light flood out through the kitchen and a little in the Living room, but it shouldn't wake anyone up ho-

"Lex?" I turned around to see a sleepy and shirtless Damon standing there, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" I said.

"It's fine" He walked over and jumped up onto one of the stools.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked averting my attention back to the fridge.

"Yeah please, I'll just have some orange juice" He said yawning.

I extended my arm and grabbed the white and orange carton, then grabbed a glass and began to pour the orange thick liquid into the glass. I handed Damon his glass and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks" He replied, while lifting the glass up to his lips, "So you're preggos?"

"Yep" I replied putting the carton back in the fridge.

"I'm gonna be an uncle" He leant back in the chair amused by the sound of him being an uncle. Then he began to chuckle lowly, so that he wouldn't wake Stefan up.

"Hey Damon?"

"Yes Alexa?"

"I need to leave"

"What do you mean?" He asked nearly falling off the stool.

"I need to leave for my baby's sake, I don't want him or her having to deal with the family drama that goes on with the Mikaelsons. I mean I don't think me and Nicklaus have gone two days without fighting at least once" I sighed

"I understand. You will be back though?"

"Ofcourse Damon, I would never do that to you guys again" I pulled him in for a big hug, "I love you" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I love you too" he said back softly.

"So where do you plan on going?"

"I actually don't know, the Bahamas or even maybe New Orleans" I replied smiling to myself, I've always wanted to go there.

"Well then we shall book the tickets tonight and you can leave tomorrow or during the week, whenever" Damon said, smiling sadly.

"Damon you can visit me at any time and plus once this little one is out of my stomach, you will be the first to know, I promise." I held my pinky out waiting for him, we used to do this when we were younger.

"Ofcourse" He looped his pinky around mine and we shook on it. Then we burst out laughing.

"Alexa? Damon?" We looked to our left to see Stefan walking in groggily, "What are you doing up? It's nearly 5 in the morning"

"Hey Stef, go back to bed we'll follow you up" I said.

"Okay" He yawned, rubbing his eyes then walked back to the sweet serenity that was his room.

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