Drabble eight.

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Request: Demi and Wilmer had a fight and Isabella gets scared and runs away. Then once Demi and Wilmer find out, they make up while searching for her and once they find her everything is good and happy again?


"You slept with him," Wilmer hissed at Demi as she entered their bedroom when she put her daughter in bed. Demi looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head in disbelief.

"No, of course not, Wilmer." She said and walked closer to him. "Who told you that? That’s a lie." Demi couldn’t believe her ears. Through the years they both had made some mistakes but she couldn’t believe that he believed that.

"People don’t create rumors without a reason," Wilmer didn’t want to listen to her explanation. They both went through a difficult period, their marriage was at the edge of an abyss but in the end they stayed together but this rumor completely ruined everything.

"You know what? We had to divorce a long time ago. Maybe you should leave…" Demi said and walked out of the room withuot turning back. She went to the living room and lay on the couch. A few tears rolled down her cheeks but she angrily wiped them away and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes she heard how Wilmer ran down the stairs and walked out of the house, shutting the door behind him. Then she heard how the car drove off.

Isabella sat in her little bed with wide eyes. Although she was just seven years old, she was smart enough to understand that her parents were going through the difficult time. When her older sister sister had been killed in a car assident, everything had changed. Her parents fought every day, and although they thought that she didn’t know about their fights, she knew.

She got out of the bed and changed her pajamas to other clothes. She made her bed, took her teddy bear and quietly walked out of the room.

Coming down, she saw her mom sleeping on the couch. She was used to it because or her mother, or her father was sleeping on the couch every night.

She was tired of all those fights, so she decided to run. She was afraid that her parents will divorce or leave her and the only person who could help her was her older sister but she wasn’t with them anymore. She would have done everything just to have her sister back…

Isabella quietly walked out of the house and dissapeared in the dark.


Demi woke up in the morning and sighed. It was already light outside, Isabella was late for school again. She got out of the bed and rushed to upstairs to the girl’s room. She was really surprised when she found the bed empty. Probably Wilmer was back and took her to the school.

She turned around and was about to walk out of the room when she saw Isabella’s bag. She felt numb. Where was her daughter? Maybe Wilmer took her?

She immediately rushed down the stairs and grabbed her phone. She dialed Wilmer’s number and sat down on the couch. Her legs were shaking, hands as well, and her heart was beating like crazy.

"What do you want?" Wilmer picked up.

"Please, tell me, that Isabella is with you." Demi rushed the words and closed her eyes tightly, waiting for Wilmer’s answer.

"No, she’s not with me. What’s wrong?" It didn’t matter that they weren’t in good terms, her shaking voice thrilled him. Despite everything what had happened over the past years, he still loved her like before.

 ”Oh my God” Demi whispered and started crying. Isabella was somewhere, alone, maybe in trouble. She wrapped her hands around the knees and started rocking herself back and forth. I can’t lose another baby, repeated in her head over and over again.

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