Drabble twenty-two

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Request: Dilmer giving birth to a New Years baby? Like demi is trying to hold her in until midnight so they can have the first baby of the year or something.

"Oww," Demi groaned, resting her hand on her huge baby-bump where the baby had just kicked very hard. "Not today, sweetie, please," She said, stroking her bump.

For a few moments Demi didn’t move. She felt something really strange in her bump. But the feeling dissapear as fast as it came. She sighed and walked to the kitchen where she was preparing new year’s dinner.

"Do you need some help?" A voice filled the room, making Demi turn around. Another strange pain rushed through her belly but she didn’t show it, she just smiled widely at her husband, who just entered the room.

"No, no. We’re fine." Demi shook her head, resting her hand on her bump. "Our daughter is really calm today," She lied, making Wilmer nod his head and smile. You see, Demi’s pregnancy had had some issues and Wilmer was very worried about the baby and his wife and most of the time, Demi had to lie to him because otherwise he wouldn’t leave her alone even for a second.

"I can help you, Demi," Wilmer said but Demi shook her head and walked to him.

"We want some girl time together," Demi said, pecking his lips and walking back to the stove. "Now, go and play with Buddy, I’m sure he’s feeling lonely," She added and closed her eyes tightly as she felt the pain again.

"I’m in the next room, if you need me," Wilmer said before walking out of the kitchen.

Demi let out a quiet groan and looked at her bump, “Baby, please, don’t do this to me. We have to prepare dinner but if you keep doing tricks in my belly, I will not be able to do this,” She said in a soft, quiet voice, hoping that Wilmer wouldn’t hear her.


Demi walked to the living room and sat down beside Wilmer. She rested her head on his shoulder as Wilmer wrapped his hand around her, kissing on top of her head.

"Baby, we don’t have to go anywhere tonight. I’m sure our friends will understand because you’re pregnant eight months. I think we could have a calm evening together, just the two of us," He said and Buddy barked. "Oh, sorry, just the three of us," Wilmer corrected himself, smiling to Buddy.

"No, Wilmer," Demi pulled away, shaking her head. "I want to go there, I’m perfectly fine." She stated and quickly stood up. Another pain rushed through her bump and she didn’t manage to hide it: she let out a groan and rested her hands on her bump.

"Are you okay?" Wilmer jumped from the couch and wrapped his hands around his wife, helping her to sit down. Demi started taking deep breaths, looking straight into Wilmer’s eyes.

"Yes, yes," She said, when the pain went away. "I just want to spend some time with my friends," She stated again and stood up and looked at the wet couch with wide eyes.

"Your water…" Wilmer managed to said, before Demi sat down on the couch again, letting another groan out.

Wilmer wanted to say something to Demi but the look she gave him made him forget about everything. He quickly rushed up the stairs and grabbed the suitcases which had been packed for a few months now.

After a few minutes, they were on their way to the hospital.


"Okay, so how long have you been having contractinos?" The doctor asked when Demi laid down on the couch in the examination room.

Demi looked at Wilmer, who squeezed her hand, and gave him an apologizing smile. She took a deep breath and turned baack to the doctor.

"I started having them yesterday evening," She admitted, ashamedly.

"What?" Wilmer said loudly, looking at his wife with wide eyes. "Why haven’t you told me, Demetria?" He asked, using her whole name, letting her know she was in big trouble.

"I just wanted to have a good new year’s eve with our friends," She said quietly, looking away from Wilmer.

"Okay, Mrs. Valderrama," The doctor said, looking at Demi. "So let’s wait until the baby decides to come," With that the doctor exited the room.

Wilmer took a chair and broung it closer, sitting beside Demi. He took her hand and squeezed it, making her turn to him.

"Demi, Demi," He sighed, kissing her hand softly. "Baby, why haven’t you told me about the pain?"

"I wanted… I wanted to have a normal new year’s eve, Wilmer. I wanted to have a great time with you, I wanted YOU to have a great time. I’m sorry, I ruined your’s New Year’s Eve. Again," She said, turning from him and looking at the white wall.

"Look at me, baby," Wilmer whispered, and Demi turned back to him. She looked at Wilmer with glassy eyes, making him lean closer to her and peck her lips. "Demi, you didn’t ruin my New Year’s eve. I am the happiest person in the wide world because right now I’m with you in this room. Demi, I love you and it’s the best New Year’s Eve to me because we’re going to meet our baby girl." He said, kissing Demi’s lips one more time.

"You’re the best," She whispered, pulling away from the kiss.

"Just for you, baby, just for you."

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