Christmas drabble - DAY 4

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(as always, I changed it, but hope you don't mind)


Wilmer calms demi down after a panic attack caused by the hate she's getting for going on fdtd/something else xx


Sometimes things get hard for her. Sometimes she wants to give up on everything and drown in sadness. Sometimes, she doesn't feel worth it. But every single time he is there to help her stay strong.

He would hold her every night, he would lay with her on a cold bathroom floor or he would simpy listen to her when things got hard. He is there to pick her up every time she's falling.

It hasn't happened for a long time now, she has been strong and confident, new look, new world-view, braver than ever, stronger and healthier.

And deep down Wilmer has been thinking that these sad, teary nights are behind them, that they have beaten all her demons and darkness will leave her alone, she will be able to be happy.

But when he wakes up on Christmas' night, he finds the right side of the bed empty. And he knows that something is wrong, something has to be wrong because Demi isn't there with him at this time of the night.

And even though he's sleepy, he pushes his tiredness away, rubs his eyes until they adjust to the darkness and gets out of the bed. He goes straight to the bathroom but, surprisingly, it's empty, so he quickly walks out of the room and goes to the halfway.

There's a sound of piano playing and he knows where she is, and he knows that she's feeling awful because the song she's playing breaks his heart (she always plays sad music when she's sad).

He walks straight to the living room and finds her iliuminated by the moonlight, playing with her eyes closer and tears rolling down her cheeks. It breaks his heart to see her like that but he doesn't show it, doesn't let himself overthink anything because he has to be strong for her.

"Hi" He says quietly, not wanting to startle her with his presence, as he walks further into the room.

The playing stops and she opens her eyes, blinks for a few times and then her hands are lifted up to wipe away the tears. She manages a small smile but then the smile turns into a sad sad frown and she closes her eyes, shaking her head to herself.

"Hey," He's beside her in a moment, arms wrapped around her tiny frame and suddenly she's crying, sobbing and fisting his t-shirt, shaking her head repeatedly.

He doesn't understand what's happening, she was happy when they went to bed, and she was happy the day before, a month before, but now she's crying and he cannot help but press her tighter against his chest. She doesn't deserve this, this sad moment in her life.

It takes a while but she calms down and once her breathing is back to normal, she pulls away from him, apologizes for his wet t-shirt and for waking him up.

"It's nothing. You should have waken me," He assures her, running his hand up and down her back. "Do you want to talk about what's making you this sad on your favorite night of the year?" He asks quietly, looking straight into her eyes.

"I'm fine," She tells him and he cannot stop the humourless laugh that escapes him.

"Yes, really." He frowns a little. "Please, Demi, talk to me."

She doesn't say anything for a while, stays silent, looking down at her hands, blinking from time to time and he thinks that it's hopeless, that he won't get answer, that she's shutting down again but then she surprises him saying, "I just thought about us."


"Yes." She nods her head, still avoiding eye contact. "I thought that this Christmas our family wont be just you and me, I thought there will be a baby. And when we started trying, I was so happy, I just...." She stops, takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling. Wilmer wraps his arm around her again and pulls her a little bit closer, waits for her to continue, although he already knows what she's going to say. "And when the doctor told us that I cannot have children...." And then she's crying again, shaking her head repeatedly and fisting her palms in desperation.

He hugs her, presses her to his chest and closes his eyes because it's hard for him too, because they have always wanted a child, children and now their dreams are crushed, but he has to stay strong for her, he reminds himself.

"Demi, baby..." He says, pulling away from her and putting his hands on her cheeks, tilting her head up so she's looking straight into his eyes. " We will have a child. We can adopt. And if you don't want to, that's fine. We can be happy together, we can overcome this"

She looks at him for a moment and shakes her head but then moves closer and rests her head on his chest, closing her eyes as another round of tears falls down her cheeks.

And Wilmer holds her, holds her for as long as she needs but when she's finally calm and asleep, he's the one, who's crying in the living room because his dreams are crushed too, but he doesn't have a right to be sad, because he needs to be strong for her.

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