Drabble thirty

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Request : Dilmer drabble, one-shot according song Crazy in Love from 50Shades by Beyonce? :)



She was crazy in love but she didn't care.

She was too young to care about it.

Every time she was around him she couldn't think straight. Her kness would go weak and her legs would fail her. He was a walking Greek God.

And every time he caught her staring at him, she would look down and bite her lip because she knew it was driving him crazy (She didn't know him personally, they had never said a single word to each other, but she saw how his eyes darkened every time she did it). And she wanted to drive him crazy. She wanted to make him feel what she felt.

Usually she was a shy girl but he changed her.

She would walk around him moving her hips from side to side, or would dress up these short dresses she had because she wanted him to see her. Wanted him to lose his mind because of her.

She had so many boys running around her, asking her out and beggig for her attention but she didn't need them, she didn't even look at them. She wanted him. That Greek God who was flirting with other bitches.

But one evening everything changed. It was the last day when they worked together and she wanted him to remember that day. She wanted to show him that even a girl like her - she had heard him calling her a young stupid girl, a brat, - could make a man like him go crazy. She wanted to prove him that she wasn't the only one so crazy in love.

So that one evening she put on the shortest dress she found in her suitcase. She chose to dress in black - black was her color. She put on the highest matching high heels and with that she was out of the room.

The party had already started when she entered. But as soon as she stepped inside everyone's eyes were focused on her - they were shocked and surprised that the girl who starred in the Disney Channel and was such a kid could be so damn sexy.

But she didn't care about other's looks. She didn't care about comments that she was such a bitch because that night she wanted to be one. She wanted to be a bitch, so he would go crazy, crazy for her.

And she was succesful. He was surrounded by women, beautiful sexy women, but his eyes were on her. She was far away but she could see him checking her from toes to head.

She smiled that sexy smile of hers and bite her lower lip looking straight into his darkened eyes.

She felt satisfaction.

Because he was going crazy.

She walked around the club as if she wasn't just eighteen year old. She walked around and flirted as if she wasn't just a young girl, who was too innocent to  be here with these people.

She was walking to take another drink when finally he caught her. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the first bathroom shutting the door behind them and locking it without saying a single word.

"What are you doing?" She managed to ask before he turned around and crashed his lips on hers.

In a moment she was pressed against  the wall as he was kissing her like there were no tomorrow. His hands, those hands which she craved for so long, were now sliding down her shoulders and stopping at her breasts, her belly until they were where she wanted.

Her head rolled back as she arched her back and moaned, but the smirk was still on her face. She finally got what she wanted. A rough fuck in a bathroom with that Greek God who was making her wet every time he was around.

He was moving his fingers inside her, sucking that sweet stop on her neck while she moaned like never before. Perhaps she should be quieter, people could hear them but that moment she didn't care because he finally was wih her.

After a few moments his fingers were replaced with his dick and her moans got even louder, her eyes closed, her head fell back. Damn, it was worth it.

They finished in a few minutes - frustration and alcohol had its affection on them. He slide out of her, put on his pants, straightened her dress and they both walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

And maybe she regretted it because he hadn't even said a word to her. But on the other hand, it was what she wanted. She didn't want his words, she didn't want his gentleness, she wanted him rough and arrogant.

He walked back into the crowd of young beautiful women.

She ordered another drink and came back to the group of young men who were obviously interested in her.

And perhaps  she wouldn't remember what had happened in the morning because she had too much to drink. Perhaps he wouldn't rememer it too.

But it didn't matter.

Because she was too young and he was too immature to care.

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