Christmas drabble - DAY 14

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Request: Could u please write a long cute drabble about Wilmer getting jealous of Demi and his friend and Demi comforting him :)


When Demi has asked Wilmer, if he minds that the Christmas squad (as they call it now) spends day in their house, Wilmer has shaken his head and told that he's more than happy to see her friends.

But now he has changed his mind completely.

Not that he minds Harry Potter movies all day long, not that he minds that there are friends from old days. What he minds is that Demi and Joe are sitting too damn close.

Wilmer wouldn't mind if they sit next to each other, they are friends, good friends, after all, what he minds is the way Demi is leaning against Joe's chest as they watch the fourth movie of the infamous Harry Potter.

He's sitting in the armchair with his phone in his hands - he's not a huge fan of Harry Potter - and although he's busy chatting with his family about Christmas meeting, he glances at Demi from time to time. Just in case....

Wilmer press a 'send' button, sending a message to his cousin, and looks up from his phone and what he sees doesn't make him happy at all. Now Joe has his arm wrapped around Demi's shoulder, and she's even closer to him.

Usually Wilmer is not a very jealous man but this is too much. Something about this makes him jealous, very jealous.

So he stands up quickly and walks out of the room to the kitchen. Once there, he puts his hands on the counter and exhales heavily, shaking his head to himself.

This is crazy. Demi would never cheat on him. Demi would never do something like that. He knows. But he's jealous.

Damn him.

After a moment or two there are small steps and it makes him close his eyes - it's Demi, he knows - and he doesn't want to ruin this day for her, it's supposed to be a happy evening and he's not going to let his jealously win.

"Baby, is everything alright?" Demi asks as she walks into the kitchen. In a moment she's standing beside him, looking at him with a worried expression on her face.

"Yes," He assures her, and even manages to fake a smile but Demi doesn't buy it, she knows him just as well as he knows her. She raises an eyebrow at him, and he groans.

"Tell me," She asks again, taking his hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Demi, everything is fine,"

She looks at him for a moment or two with a cute little frown on her face and Wilmer smiles at her, she's so beautiful and she's his, he doesn't need to be jealous, he knows but that possesive part of him wants to push her against the fridge and kiss her until she's breathless just to prove that she's really his.

"You're jealous" She suddenly exclaims, making Wilmer shake his head with wide eyes.

No, there is no way he's going to admit that.

"Yes," She cannot help but giggle and shake her head at him. "Oh, Wilmer. You know you don't have to be jealous. I have no interest in Joe. All I want is you." She assures him and he nods his head because he knows it, knows that Joe isn't a threat but still.

"I love you." He whispers and pulls her closer, until their lips are just inches away and then she's the one who presses their lips together.

The kiss ins't very long or very passionate, it's sweet with enough pressure. And it seems to be enough for Wilmer, because that possesive side of him calms down a little.

"Come, let's go, I don't want to miss the best part of the movie," She says after pulling away from him, takes his hand and drags him out of the kitchen before he has time to say anything else.

Once back in the room, Wilmer expects Demi to sit back next to Joe but she doesn't. She curls into his side on the armchair - it's obviously uncomfortable but it doesn't matter to her, it seems, - and Wilmer sighs in relief, a small smile spreading across his face.

He even looks at the TV screen and finds out that Harry Potter isn't that bad movie, after all.

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