Drabble thirty-one

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Request: wilmer tells demi that he never wants to have kids, even though he knows that having a big family is demi's dream

He had been thinking about it for a while now. Five years, actually. He'd been fighting with himself, he was angry and hopeless. Because he loved her more than anyone in this world, but he knew one thing - he couldn't be her hapiness.

And it haunted him every single day.

She would talk about their future, about their future family and at first he thought that with time she would stop wanting it, he thought that she would change her mind, but she didn't. She wanted it even more.

When they had first talked about it, he'd said that he was too young for that, he still felt not mature enough to be a father, to have a family. And they'd decided to wait because they both needed to grow up.

But now, after five years, he realized that these things would never change. He would never be mature enough to be a father, to have a family, to give her everything she wants.

And he couldn't hide it anymore.

She was laying in bed and reading a book when he entered the room. She looked at him with a smile but then returned her attention to the book.

He walked to her, sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her. He looked at her beautiful face who was frowned because she was probably reading not the happiest book, he looked at her frecles and her beautiful natural face. Even with her glasses and her hair in a ponytail she looked like a goddess of beauty to him.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, moving her book to the side, so she could look at him.

"Yes," He answered too quickly and she frowned once more. He thought that maybe he could wait a little longer, he could wait another year or too and tell her then, or maybe he would change her mind, maybe she would change her mind, maybe there was still a chance for them.

He shook his head to himself - he had waited enough already, she had the right to know the true.

"You're not telling me something," She said softly, putting her hand on his.

"Demi, I-" He started but the words got stuck in his throat.This was going to change his life completely. He looked at her, breathed and continued, "Demi, I have had  to tell you this a long while ago, but I was so afraid of losing you... God, I can't even imagine how I'm going to live after this, but I can't hide it anymore,"

"Are you okay?" She asked nervously, squeezing his hand.

"I wish I couldn change it, but I can't," He muttered shaking his head. "I wish we could deal with it, but we can't and-"

"Wilmer, what's wrong?" She cut him off. Her breath had already quickened, her body was shaking nervously as she looked at him with teary eyes.

"Demi, I'm really sorry for this"

"Just tell me!"

With an exhale, he whispered, "I don't want children. I don't want family. I don't want that life."

She was shocked for a moment. Her eyes were wide as she tried to understand what he had said, what he was trying to tell her, explain her.

He didn't want family.

"Oh," It was all she managed to say before the tears filled her eyes.

"I tried, I really did and I know how much it means to you, I know your life won't be complete, if you don't have a family but I just can't imagine myself as a family man," His voice was so desperate, it made her heart ache even harder because she knew he was trying to be the best man for her. He was doing everything for her but this.. He just couldn't live that life. "Demi, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," She said, her voice shaking. She blinked away the tears and looked straight into his eyes, "I understand and it's okay, really. We will.... I will have you and it's all I need." With every word her voice shook a little as she tried to hold in the sobs but she stayed strong. "I will stick by your side no matter what. I don't even care if I have to give up on my dreams. You did so much for me, you're my happiness, you're are my life, you're my happily ever after and if you don't want to have a family, that's okay. We can have many dogs and cats." A little, sad smile formed on her face but then dissapeared, "And it will be okay, because I'm happy as long  as you are with me. You're everything,"

Wilmer looked at her with a small smile on his face. He had just crushed her dreams, her life and she was still there, by his side, smiling as always, spreading happiness and love.

"I love you," He whispered and hugged her as tightly as he could.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and he hugged her even tighter, taking a deep breath.

They had overcome so much. And he was sure they would overcome that too. It would take some time, he knew, but in the end of the day they will stick together because they're not just lovers, they're not just two people living together. 

They are soulmates and soulmates are unbreakable.

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