Christmas drabble - DAY 12

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Request:  Can you please do one where Demi has a migraine and wilmer look after her x

It's kinda sad, you've been warned!

"You don't look good," Wilmer announces as he walks into the room and finds Demi standing in front of the huge mirror, putting her eyerings on.He can see the way her legs are shaking or the way she winces every time he says something louder and it makes him worried, very worried because he can see her getting weaker and weaker with each passing day, even if she tries to hide it.

And these crazy headaches had driven him mad from the first weeks, back then when she refused to go to the hospital, when she thought that it wasn't serious. But it turned out to be serious, very serious and now they're counting days because every single she spends on this planet is a gift.

He knows it's hard for her to get up from bed these days. She hasn't left the house for weeks now, there were days when she couldn't even get out of the bed, but tonight she's going out.And they had talked about it, and Wilmer assured her that it's okay if she won't come tonight, Isabella understands that mommy is sick but Demi had shaken her head and told him she would go.

But now her legs are shaking, she's shaking, and she grips the edge of the beauty table to steady herself, letting out a deep shaky breath.

"You don't have to go if you feel that bad,"Wilmer assures her as he rushes to her and wraps his arms around her waist, holding her up.

"No, I want to." She insists and pushes his hands away from her - the dizziness has faded - and turns around to face him. She's so pale, her face as white as paper and it makes him worried even more. She shouldn't go."I want to see your daughter's first carnaval."

"You're barely standing on your feet. There will be other carnavals,"

"But I won't be there to see them," And with that she walks out of the room.

When she's out of the sight, Wilmer sighs in frustration and desperation because this woman is impossible, she never listens to him but on the other hand, she's right, perhaps it's the first and the last time she sees Isabella acting in a school's carnaval. There's not much time left for her with them anyway, she needs to spend it like she wants to, he has to let her.

With an inhale, he takes the purse she left on the bed and walks out of the room to his girls who are already waiting.


"I'm so proud of you, Isabella," Demi announces as the three of them walk into the house. Isabella grins to her mommy and when Demi leans over to give the girl a tight hug she stumbles and loses concentration. It feels like the whole room is spinnign around her and she almost falls down, but thankfully, Wilmer is there to catch her.

It makes Isabella's eyes widen in fear - she always gets scared when Demi gets these awful pains - and she takes a step back, her eyes already full of tears.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Demi assures Wilmer and her daughter, standing up but one of her hands is rested on the side of her head and she thinks that this headache is really going to kill her tonight.

"Will you be able to walk?" Wilmer asks and she nods her head - of course, she nods her head, she never lets him help her - and then pulls away from him, walking to a scared Isabella.

"I'm fine, Bell, don't worry sweetie," She assures her daughter and hugs her as tight as she can. Isabella hugs her back tightly too, and then she's shaking just a little bit but Demi holds her close to her chest, running her hand up and down the girl's back.

She looks up and finds Wilmer looking at her with a raised eyebrow and she nods her head slowly, and he sighs - he understands that she doesn't feel good and that bed would be a very good thing right now."You two go upstairs, I will join you in a minute." He says and Isabella pulls away from Demi, wipes away her tears and takes Demi hand before walking up the stairs.

It doesn't take a few minutes until Wilmer is up the stairs in the bedroom, with his girls on the bed, all curled up. Demi's head is rested on his chest and as Isabella turns on the TV and starts watching Home Alone, Wilmer's hand finds its way to her hair and he starts stroking her head, hoping that it will ease her pain, her misery and maybe, just maybe, God will give her one more year on this land...

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