Christmas drabble - DAY 6

910 38 24

Reuqest:  Demi gets triggered by the amount of food on Christmas Day and Wilmer helps her

   trigger warning for ed!

It's a Christmas evening, Isabella's favorite evening of the year. She has been talking about this evening since the beginning of November, she has been so excited.

And now the living room of her grandparents house is full of people she knows - her cousins, her aunties, her grandparents - and everyone is laughing, talking and so is her mommy until something strange happens.

Mommy stops laughing as soon as auntie Dallas brings a chocolate cake into the room and Isabella doesn't understand what is happening but when she looks up, she finds her mommy tensed and blinking too quickly.

Something is wrong.

In a moment her dad grabs mommy's hand, squeezes it and mommy looks at him and he asks her something without words, just with his eyes and her mommy nods.

And Isabella is just five years old and they think she doesn't notice how Demi tenses, how the tears and dark emotions fill her eyes, but they are wrong. Isabella understands. She understands more than she should.

It's not the first time, actually, when mommy gets this sad so quickly. There are days when her mommy is crying all day long or not getting up from bed, and her dad is the one who makes her breakfast and plays with her, there are days when her mommy stares nowhere for hours or when she doesn't talk. And it's okay.

But what Isabella doesn't understand is why her mommy would get sad whenever someone brings in a chocolate cake. She remembers Mommy's birthday, when there were a lot of delicious food and mommy was tensed all day, she saw how Mommy would stop smiling when she thought nobody was watching her. She saw the way her momy would look up into a sky because she wanted to cry for unknown reason.

It leaves Isabella confused because mommy is happy, has been happy that day, she was happy this morning when they unwrapped Christmas presents, she was happy when they arrived here a few hours ago and she was even happier when auntie Maddie announced that she was pregnant.

But now her mommy is sad.

Suddenly daddy stands up and leans over, whispers that they will be back in a moment, mommy needs some fresh air, he says, and then mommy is standing up as well. And even thought mommy doesn't look at Isabella, the girl manages to see small tears on mommy's beautiful cheeks.

She wants to go with them, wants to follow and help mommy. But they will never let her seem it, they will never let her see mommy upset.

And Isabella wishes they would because it's even harder for her when they don't tell her what's happening.

But her parents are gone now and she cannot see them anymore, doesn't know where they went, so she turns back to the table and finds a piece of a chocolate cake in front of her.

It's her favorite cake but she decides that maybe she shouldn't eat it if it makes mommy so upset. Perhaps she should stop eating and it will make feel mommy better.

So she pushes the plate away and promises herself not to eat this cake ever again. But deep down she hopes that one day her and mommy will eat this cake together and that day mommy won't have tears in her eyes.

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