Christmas drabble - DAY 11

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Request:  Could you write a drabble when Demi is pregnant and Dilmer spend time together on shopping and stuff

"Demi, slow down," Wilmer called as his wife walked into another shop. But, of course, his words stayed unheard because she was picking another decorations for their house.

You see, Demi was always obsessed wtih Christmas. She loved decorating the house and buying present and decorations but this year, when she found out that she's pregnant and that the baby should be born in December, Wilmer was quite sure that this obssesion will be stopped.

Well, appearently, he was wrong.

"Wilmer, look, we should buy this and decorate the baby's room with it," Her sweet voice reached his ears, pulling him out of his thoughts. He shook his head for a few times and focused on what she was showing - she was holding two white snows in her hands, and yes, he couldn't agree more. These snows will fin in the room perfectly.

"Yes," He agreed and took snows from her, put them in a shopping cart. "But you should really take a break, let's go and eat somewhere for a while until you relax, I don't think it's good for the baby," He suggested but Demi hadn't heard a single word, as always, and was taking another decorations from the shelves.

He shook his head at her in disbelief but didn't say anything anymore. He just followed her and laughed at her because she's crazy, he swears she's crazy because she had picked too many decorations. But Demi is Demi.

But suddenly she wasn't picking decorations anymore. She was holding on a shelf and breathing heavinly.

"Are you okay?" Wilmer asked immediately but she answered with a shake of her head and he was by her side in a moment, holding her as she fought to take a breath. "Do you want to sit down?" He suggested, stroking her back lightly and she nodded her head.

"Yes," She finally answered and took a deep breath. "I'm fine now, I just needed a break," She answered smiling but then suddenly she groaned again and closed her eyes tightly.

"Baby, you really need to sit down," Wilmer announced, putting the shopping cart on the ground. "We're going home. Now." He added in a stern voice, the one he knew she wouldn't ignore.

"But the decor-"

"We will buy them the other day, okay? The baby is more important,"

She nodded her head and straightened a bit, running a hand through her hair. Wilmer wrapped his arm around her lower back in case she feels dizzy again, and slowly walked her out of the shop.

He thought that maybe this accident will be some kind of lesson for her, that she will understand that she needs to take better care of herself but as always he was wrong because the other day, they were walking in the shopping center again, buying decorations and all the other stuff.

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