Drabble twenty - six

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"Request: Please write one that demi is jealous of wilmer with one of her friends or cousins and its really cute and little bit long! You are amazing"

It was a friend evening. Demi, Wilmer, Marissa, Natalie and Matthew had a meeting at Wilmer’s house. The whole house had a scnet of popcorns and all sorts of snacks because they were having a movie evening and movie evening isn’t a movie evening if there are no snacks.

Demi and Matthew were sitting on one couch, while Natalie was sitting in the armchair and Marissa was preparing snaks with Wilmer in the kitchen. You see, she and Wilemr were the only one of all of them who knew how to cook.

Demi was chatting with her friends when Wilmer and Marissa appeared from the kitchen with snakcs in their hands.

“Wilmer, come hereeee” Marissa said and grabbed Wilmer’s hand, dragging him to the couch which was standing in front of the TV. Wilmer gave Demi an apologizing look and walked out of the room with Marissa.

Demi rolled her eyes at them and followed them with her eyes.. She felt a little strange because Marissa and Wilmer got really well, and it was a good thing, but sometimes Marissa hugged Wilmer, or they were sitting close, too close to Demi’s eyes, and she got protective because of her man.

Suddenly Demi remembered she had left her phone upstairs, so she jumped from the couch and rushed upstairs to take it.

When Demi came back to the room, where her friends were, Wilmer was laying on the bed with Marissa beside him. The view made her groan but  she didn’t say anything she just stood there as if paralyzed.

And suddenly, she remembered the feeling, which she hadn’t in felt in… a really long time.

She felt jealous.

She stood at the doorway, looking at her boyfriend and her best friend being so close to each other. She felt anger building up but she quickly started taking deep unnoticing calming breaths - she had learned it in rehab to control the panic attacks. She counted to ten and sighed.

They were just laying together, it meant nothing but she couldn’t help feeling like that. You see, she felt so jealous for the first time because ussually Wilmer gave her all his attention and now…

It was stupid but she felt hurt.

“Demi?” She heard her name being called but she just shook her head to herself, snapping herself out of her thoughts.

She looked back at the two very imporant poeple to her and swallowed. She had to trust them. But she couldn’t…

She quickly turned around and rushed out of the room. Entering the kitchen, she walked to the sink and poured herself a glass of water.

She turned around and almost dropped the glass to the floor when she found Wilmer standing behind her with wide eyes. How did he walk to quietly?

“What’s wrong?” He asked quietly, takign a step closer to her.

“Nothing,” She answered simply. Turning around she placed the glass on the counter top and took a deep breath.

“Tell me,” He insisted. Placing his palms on her shoulders, he turned her around and they eyes met. He looked into her eyes for a moment trying to figure out what was wrong.

A smirk appeared on his face when he realized what was it. She was jealous. His girlfriend, the woman who never got jealous - that was what she had said - was burning up with jealously.

“Damn, Demi,” He chuckled, making her bite her lip.

“Shut up,” She groaned, blushing.

She had shared the most private things with him but she still felt shy when things came to very simple things like jealously.

“Oh, my baby is jealous,” He teased her again and she slapped him on the shoulder.

“Bastard,” She rolled her eyes and wanted to turn around but his hands grabbed her shoulders stopping her.

“You know you don’t have to be jealous.” He said in a serious tone making her nod her head immediately.

Of course she knew that he would never cheat on her or something like that but sometimes she just felt insecure. Although this time was a little different because she didn’t feel insecure - she was jealous because she wanted to be the only one who could lay with him and get all of his attention.

“But I am,” She whined like a little child and crossed her arms over her chest. “You should apologize for making me jealous,” She added, pursing her lips.

“I should,” He agreed, leaving closer. “I’m sorry for making you jealous,”

He leaned over and kissed her lips. Her arms immediately wrapepd around his neck, pulling him even closer to her as she kissed him with so much passion and anger which she was feeling.

“Demi? Wilmer?”

They heard voices from the other room which made them pull away. Wilmer grinned looking at his breathless girlfriend.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again,” She hissed at him but  a smile covered her face as soon as she stopped talking.

“No promises,” He winked at her and took her head, dragging her out of the room.

“Asshole,” She muttered, rolling her eyes.

“You love me,”

“I do,”

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