Chapter 3: Determination

Start from the beginning

R: "Now that you mention it, yes, i thought you semblance was teleportation."

"I saw Phyrra failing to block the attack so i dashed in and took the hit. Back to what i meant with what i said in the initiation. " I stood infront of them and looked at them with a smile on my face. "You three are a strong light and im your shadow, you will enable me to use my semblance to its fullest while i will help you three by supporting you with plans and defense." they looked at me and i held out my fist. "On team JNPR."

NPR: "TEAM JNPR" we fist bumped and cheered.

"Ok now that is out of the way we should go to bed we have classes tomorrow." i said and they agreed, Phyrra and Nora went to the bathroom to change while me and Ren changed in the room. Once everyone was changed we went to bed. It took an hour until the last of my three teammates fell asleep, i was still lying awake.

'Im weak, i can barely kill a beowolf on my own and now i have a team, of course they will help me but at the end i would just be a dead weight...' i thought and took a look at my scroll, i saw that i have been lying awake for atleast 2 hours now, thinking about what happened today. 'I dont want to be weak, i dont want to be the damsel in distress, the person everyone has to look after, that has to be saved over and over again because he is just to weak.' 

I made up my mind, i silently got up from my bed and changed into some workout clothes. As quiet as possible i left the dorm and searched the Gym. After a few minutes of walking through the empty and dimly lit hallways i found it, i stepped in and turned on the lights, revealing all kinds of equipment ranging from weights to dummies and a shooting range.

'Where to start? I think getting a goal i want to reach should increase my motivation.' i looked around and found a door labeled "Fight Simulation".

"Sounds useful" i said to myself as i entered. I turned on the lights and what i saw left me speechless, a giant room , probably 100 feet wide and 100 feet long, with a ceiling 20 feet high. The room was completely empty except a control terminal and a few seats near the entrance, but there was one thing that caught my eye, a big monitor screen with names and scores written on it, the highscores in the different modes. I read the list and saw my brother in first place in the mode "One vs Grimm" with 54 waves cleared and over 1.500.000 Points earned. 'perfect' i thought as made up my mind.

"My goal is taking first place in that list." i swore to myself, full of determination i went to the terminal and started up the simulation in the mode "One vs Grimm".

Terminal: "Choose arena." a robotic voice said and a list of arena options was shown. I choose Colosseum and the screen changed , it now shows 4 different buttons each either showing , a sun, a sun at the horizon, a moon or a moon at the horizon, above the buttons it said "choose day time" i choose midday. At last i had to enter my Name and my Student ID, once i did that 2 pistols ,identical to Light& Shadow, made of light appeared and a count down started.

T: "Wave 1 : Beowolf, begin in 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. "I took a deep breath and switched Light in its blade form. "3. 2. 1. Go!" a buzz was heard and a hologram of a Beowolf appeared in the arena. It saw me and charged me. I had to dodge the swipe and tried shooting it but kept missing, i tried to get a bit of distance but every step i took was answered by another charge from the beowolf. Slashing with Light i hurt it a bit but instantly got hit by the beowolf's attack, dropping my aura into the red. Another buzz was heard and the room changed back to normal. 

T: "Simulation over. Waves cleared: 0,Score: 3 Points." 

"I KNOW IM WEAK!" i shouted angrily, i couldnt even defeat a single grimm. I took a deep breath and restarted the simulation.

Timeskip a few hours.


T: "Simulation over. Waves cleared: 1, Score: 14"

I was barely standing, completely drenched in sweat. My muscles hurt like hell and i just managed to kill that one beowolf only to lose in wave 2 against two beowolves at once. I slowly leave the room and made my way back to the dorm, on my way i started to make a Workout plan.

Workout (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: training, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday: Study and rest

5 am: Wake up

5: 30- 7 am:  run 

7- 8:30 am: Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Push-ups 

8: 30 am: Prepare for classes

9 am - 2 pm : classes

2 pm- 4 pm: homework/ learning

4 pm- 5 pm: run

5 pm- 7 pm: weights

7 pm-7: 30 pm: rest

7:30 pm- 10 pm: simulation

10 pm - 5 am: Sleep

As i finished making the regime i reached my dorm, i sneaked my way back in and quickly changed to my sleep wear and got to bed.


At 5 am my alarm went off, luckily i was smart enough to set the alarm and turned its volume down so only i wake up. I tried to get up but my whole body was sore, not wanting to give up i powered through the pain and got up, changed, grabbed a light breakfast ,aka a banana and a cereal bar and left the dorm to go on a run. I decided to run around Beacon, after 20 minutes of running i was completely exhausted and covered in sweat. Panting i walked to a patch of a tree that had a low hanging branch that could hold me for the pull-ups, but before i started i rested a bit to catch my breath, 5 minutes later i started doing pull-ups. After 6 my arms couldnt hold me anymore and i fell down. Same could be said about the push-ups and i only managed to do 20 sit-ups. Looking at the scroll i saw that this small workout still took me till 8:15 am so i rushed back to the dorm to quickly shower and get changed.

As i entered the dorm i saw my team sitting at the table eating breakfast , they looked at me and all were confused.

P: "Where were you?" she asked

"I was working out." i simply stated as i got to my dresser to take out the school uniform.

N: "Why didnt you tell us?  We could have tagged along." she stated with a pancake in her mouth.

"I... I wanted to workout alone, because... because i am more focused if im alone? Yeah." i lied, i didnt want them to see how weak and pathetic i am. Before another question could be asked i ran into the bathroom and prepared myself for classes.

The Weak RWBY X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now