Chapter One

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Here's chapter one! i kinda got into it so it's like 2 am but who cares! Anyway please vote, comment, criticize, etc. Thanks for picking my story!!  



-----------------------------------------Ultraviolet Chapter One------------------------------------------------

The naive follow their hearts. The wise lead with their hearts.



There were screams in the air, again. It didn't even sound human, it was animalistic, a deep cry of pain.

The scream itself wasn't what made me start sprinting to the jailhouse, it was who was screaming. She was a child, a little girl. Even the worst of the guardians had never stooped to torturing the children before. Sure, they had tormented nearly every adult in the town, but they had never done something this horrid before.

I swung around the corner, coming face to face with a large, intimidating grey building. The building had bars and barbed wire lining all of the windows, but that wasn't what had my attention. It was the little girl curled up on the ground in a pool of dark red blood. What I saw was, well, it was horrific, almost inhuman...One of the guardians had a foot pressed on the base of her neck keeping her trapped against the dirt ground. There were a couple other guardians spaced about the perimeter keeping the by-standers back.

The one that was hurting the child raised his arm into the air, with a silvery gold electrum whip grasped in his hand.

The little girl was blond, probably around six years old, and frankly, I didn't know how much more of this her fragile little body could take. She already had multiple lacerations in her back and sides, bleeding freely; the guardians were killing her. They can't do this to a child! She can't have done something that bad, she was six! Don't they have even shred of human compassion?

The guardians looked like they are almost enjoying it. It was sick.

Before I knew it I was running again, pushing past the guardians, trying to beat the whip to the little girl.

He began to bring his arm down...

Next thing I knew there was a stinging pain traveling up my arm, "Stop! Please she's just a little girl!" I looked up, and met cold, hard unforgiving eyes, the eyes of a murderer, "Please whatever she did let me take the rest of the punishment! She's dying!" I was vaguely aware of gasps from the crowd.

The guardian cackled, "You would take the remainder of 15 lashings for a worthless child! Hah! Fine, she s already had five, so that makes ten for you!" He cackled again, "Oh, and for interrupting about seven extra! That sounds fair, doesn t it?" He snorted. I knew it wasn t fair, the crowd knew it wasn't fair, even the guardians knew it wasn't fair. But I wasn't about to object, no, he'd only add more lashings, he might even come up with a worse punishment.

I knew it was stupid, putting myself in danger for a child I didn't even know, but I couldn't let another person die. At least I had to try, she didn t look well at all, if I didn't get her to a healer soon she was not going to make it. Please, let the punishment be quick, if not for my sake then for hers!

The guardian pushed the little girl's body over a couple feet with his foot, "Down, there. Now." He gestured to a spot right in front of him, I obeyed. I got down on the damp ground, damp with a child's blood, I thought angrily.

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