The One You All Waited For

Start from the beginning

' Lee? '

' Yeah Elle. '

' Thank you. '

' I'll always look after you Elle. '

                                                                                               *CHANGE OF NARRATIVE *

( Noah)

I woke up around six am in my car, the smell of beer was rampant. Shit I don't remember drinking that much, I must have passed out. I couldn't face going back to Elle after what I said, I didn't mean anything by it. It just slipped out.

' She must be freaking out that I never came home, fuck. ' I grabbed my phone and opened it up. Fifteen missed calls from Elle, seven missed calls from Lee. ' Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. ' I panicked.

No answer from Elle.

No answer from Lee.

No Answer from Elle, again.

Shit, my phone is on one percent.

' Rachel? '

' What do you want Noah.'

' Rachel where is Elle? '

' After your bullshit yesterday, why would I tell you? '

' Rach, I'm sorry.. I never should have yelled at you yesterday.

' You've got that right Noah... What Lee and I choose to do with this baby is our decision, and only ours. '

' I'm sorry Rachel, I shouldn't have stormed in on you guys like that. Is Lee with you, I need to apologise. '

' No, he's with Elle. '

' Is she okay? '

' Well last I heard the hospital had said she could go - '

My phone went dead.

' FUCK' I roared and slammed my hands on the dash. I turned the key in the ignition and took off towards the apartment. Lee's mustang was parked outside, there was no sign off Elle's car. I pulled up outside the door and ran upstairs .. the apartment was silent. I went into the bedroom, Elle's phone was sitting on the bedside table. The clothes I had left her in yesterday were on the floor. Maddie's bed was made so she must have slept with Elle. I locked up and got back into the car, I headed straight to see if she was with my mom. After what felt like the longest drive of my life, I pulled up and ran to the door, knocking like a maniac. I knew Mr Evans was an early riser so I was counting on him being awake. I was right.

' Noah, what do you think you're doing. You'll wake the whole house. '

' Is Elle here? '

' Yes.. '

' Oh thank god. ' I pressed one hand against the wall and leaned up against it.

' Noah you stink of booze, you're not going near Elle like that. She's had enough upset. '

' Please, just let me see her. '

' She's up in her room, Noah I swear if you wake her, I will kill you. '

I crept upstairs and peered into her room. She was fast asleep in Lee's arms, Elle hadn't even taken off her coat. She looked soaked in sweat, as if she had a fever. Maddie was fast asleep stretched out in her old crib.

' Mike, what happened? '

' She thought her waters had broken, and she was having contractions. Lee took her to the hospital, she was having false contractions, which brought on the fever. She tried to call you Noah, where were you? '

' I fucked up Mike. ' I sat down and put my head in my hands. ' I really fucked up. I'm so sorry.'

' Noah, I'm not mad, you haven't made a lot of mistakes in the last couple of years. You have been everything I ever wanted for Elle. Just make it right with her Noah, you're about to have another baby together. I'm proud of you both. '

' Wow, um thank you Mike. ' I can't believe he just said all that to me.

' Oh and Noah. ' He turned to say before walking out of the room, ' go shower. '

I didn't hesitate in doing what I was told, I scrubbed every part of me to make sure I got rid of the smell of drink. I didn't want Elle to know that I was sitting in my car drinking all night. By the time I was dressed the house was alive, Mike, Maddie, mom and Brad were all awake and Rachel had arrived down to the house. I was giving Maddie breakfast when Lee arrived down.

' Mom, Elle is still burning up.. can I get a cold towel. '

' Oh poor Elle, of course I'll grab it now. '

Lee glared at me.

' Lee, can I talk to you. '

' I think there's someone upstairs who needs you more than I do right now. ' I put Maddie's food down in front of her and headed upstairs. I could hear Elle shivering before I got into the room.

' Elle.. '

' No-No-Noah.. ' She chattered.

' Oh Elle, look at you. 'I was nervous to touch her. ' Elle I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am, I didn't mean it. It was a pointless comment. My whole world only started the day I kissed you at that kissing booth. The day Maddie was born, my whole life felt complete. I didn't think my life could get any more perfect than that, then we got married and I was proven wrong. Now we're having another baby and suddenly I've accepted that life with you and Maddie will just continue to get better and better. I have loved you for a very long time Elle. We were always going to work out. I'm so sorry Elle, I love you and I understand if you don't want me around right now but - '

' Noah, ' She cut me off.

' Yeah Elle? '

' Can you please just stop talking and hold me tight right now? ' I couldn't help but smile. I climbed in and pulled her close. I took off her coat and replaced it with my grey zip up jumper. She clambered closer to me, I rested my hand on her bump. She was kicking in there. I wasn't sure how I'd every forgive myself for walking out on her like that.

A/n I think I punished y'all enough over the last 24 hours. The real drama hasn't even begun. I've been sent a lot of suggestions recently and I'm really enjoying them, if you have any.. please send them on.X

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