Ch. 08

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"So, where are you from?" He asks.

"I was raised in New York. But I came to Korea every chance I got as a kid, which was a lot." You chuckle. "The last time I came here was when I was about 16 years old. And that was before my parents divorced."

   Jung Kook noticed the frown on your face and he pouted. No one as beautiful as you should be sad. He thought and put a hand on your shoulder that startled you. You looked at him and you gave a weak smile.

"It's okay. They argued a lot when I was younger."

   He nods his head and removes his hand. A girl you didn't know approached you both and smiled at the guy. You looked up and noticed how her behavior changed. She batted her eyes, she giggled a lot and her chest was exposed. So exposed you wanted to cover her cleavage with the plate. Even though you didn't know her enough to judge her, you had already disliked her and found her to be a, excuse my language, maechunbu*.

"Ne ni johta* Jung Kook-ssi. You look really good in that shirt." The girl smiles in a flirtatious way while having her hand over his bicep. "Why haven't you returned my calls?"

   She pouts and gives him big puppy eyes. Jung Kook sighed and looked annoyed by her. You would too if you had someone like her bothering you.

"So Yeon, please. I told you before I'm not into you."

   So Yeon. So that was the girls name. What a shame though. A pretty name for a pretty, slutty, dressed girl like herself. In all honesty, if she wore decent clothes and wore less makeup, you would befriend her and maybe would like to hang out with her on weekends watching drama or romance movies. But seeing how she dresses and speaks, that would never happen. When she talked, she sounded like one of those petty selfish girls you met at your old school.

"Ah wae*? I thought we had something special Kook-ah? Don't you remember how much I made you cu-"

"I said enough So Yeon."

   The tone in Jung Kook's voice was low and serious. It surprised you so much how this kind and endearing guy you just met can become so threatening and fierce. You were also shocked when you heard what she almost said but you thanked him for cutting her off. You didn't want to know that they had already done it maybe more than once and the thought of him getting in bed with a girl like her, sickened you. You stayed silent and swallowed down your slight fear from the sudden change in demeanor and atmosphere. You slowly backed up and turned your heels, ready to leave the apartment and head to your own.

   That was until he called your name and made you freeze in place.

"Where are you going Ji Eun?"

   You mentally cursed at yourself and gave out a soft sigh before forcing yourself to turn around to face Jung Kook and, assuming by her behavior, an ex girlfriend? They seemed to look like ex couples and she always clung to him ever since you unofficially met her. Your eyes locked with So Yeon's and she was throwing daggers at you while pretending to smile.

"I'm kind of getting tired. I was going to go to my apartment maybe get some rest since I didn't get much sleep last night."

   You lie and then force a smile. In all honesty, you would have stayed if So Yeon wasn't here and you would love to get to know Jimin and Jung Kook.

"Sorry to hear. Maybe we can talk later? Would you like my-"

"Hello. My name is Im So Yeon. I'm Jung Kook's girlfriend."

   She interrupts causing Jung Kook to shut his mouth and send her a death glare. Girlfriend? You should be surprised but seeing the tension between them and a little bit of history, you remained unbothered. Of course you were a bit hurt by this news. But it looked weird since he hardly acted lovey dovey like So Yeon has.

"Oh, nice to meet you So Yeon. I didn't know you two were dating. How long?"

   You pretended to act interested. Jung Kook clenched his jaws and you can tell how annoyed he was by the vibes he gave off.

"We've been dating for about-"

"We are NOT dating So Yeon. Ji Eun, I'm sorry but I need to go. It was nice meeting you."

   You jumped at the slight angrier tone in his voice and So Yeon seemed annoyed by you and sad at Jung Kook. The guy sets down his empty plate and walks out, leaving you with her and the other people. You wished at this moment you were at your apartment and getting the desired sleep. As you were going to leave as well, So Yeon harshly grabs your arm and turns you to face her.

"Listen here you ugly shit. You stay away from him. He doesn't need you or your number and you don't need to try and get close to him."

   She warned you. It was now your turn to feel annoyed and infuriated. I mean, who would do that to you? Especially when you two were just having a normal conversation, slowly getting to know each other.

"Is that how you welcome a new comer?"

   You asked as you folded your arms at her. She scorns at you and then shoves you back.

"I protect what is mine and you better back the fuck off otherwise I knock your teeth out you half breed."

   You were offended by this snobby piece of shit but remained calm. Your mother had told you to ignore those with a bad mouth since they had issues of their own. Unlike her, you were calm and collected plus you dressed better than her. More modest and you treated strangers with respect. So doing the most mature thing, you bowed at her and then apologized at her. Jimin sees you heading for the door and stops you with a 'what's wrong?'.

"Nothing is wrong," you lie. "I'm just a little tired. That's all." You smiled and then looked towards So Yeon who was sending you endless daggers.

   Jimin knew that you weren't really okay as he had seen the whole thing and was going to stop it until you walked away from her. He sighed and glared at the girl he never invited to his birthday party and slowly approached her.

"You better knock it off So Yeon. She's just a new comer. Can you be respectful for once?"

"She was going to steal Jung Kook from me."

   She defended herself. Jimin rolls his eyes and picks up the trash from the floor. Walking away from her so he can not be around her bad aura. So Yeon frowned at the lack of attention she was getting from everyone and she huffed as she sat down on the sofa, pouting like a child. Little did she know someone was watching her from the little corner. You're next. He thought as he clenched his jaws and his fingers.


매춘부 : maechunbu : Prostitute/slut

네 니 좋타 : Ne ni johta : I like you

왜? : wae? : Why?



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