Ch. 39

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   Jung Kook opens the car door for Ji Eun. She steps out and looks around. The air smelled foul, colder and too eerily quiet. Like something bad can happen at any second. Ji Eun slams the car door shut while fixing her scarf.

"Where are we? Jung Kook." She looks back at him. They had made it to Seoul an hour ago and Jung Kook insisted she didn't have to call Jimin because he wanted to give her a ride home. A fool she was believing he would actually take her to her apartment. They were in a different part of Seoul. She didn't even know which district they were in. The buildings looked old and almost run down. The streets covered in litter. Jung Kook had parked the car in front of an old building that looked like a floral shop. Windows still intact but a little filthy. He fixes his black long coat before combing his hair through his fingers.

"My mom used to own this shop." He says. "But she had to close it down because she couldn't pay for the bills."

   Ji Eun folds her arms, glaring at him. "That doesn't answer my question." She pulls out her phone, Jung Kook notices and rushes to her then grabs it out of her hand. She managed to send a message to Jimin before her phone was taken away from her.

Ji Eun
Sent at 18:45 PM

   Jung Kook throws her phone down and stomps on it. She watches in dismay. "WHAT THE FUCK JUNGKOOK!!"

"You're not calling anyone." He spoke in a lower tone. His eyes darken and anger glazes over. "You're home."

"My phone!" Ji Eun shouts at him. Jung Kook was unfazed by her behavior and chuckled at her cute angry expression. This frustrated her even more. She goes up to him and gives him a hard slap across the face. Not only was she surprised she had done that but her hand was burning with pain and she was now afraid. Jung Kook grabs her left wrist and twists it, she winces in pain and lets out a scream as he forced her to go on her knees. Squeezing and twisting her wrist even more to the point he can break it.

"Stop! Jung Kook! Please!"

"I don't enjoy hurting you." Jung Kook seethes. "Behave or I will have no choice but to keep doing it." With that said, he lets go of her wrist and she cries as she had her head down. The pain was still there and it was throbbing.

Meanwhile as Jimin mopped the tiles floors of the pool, his phone vibrates in his pocket. Before going to his little office, Jimin leaves a Wet Floor sign just west of the pool and walks along the sides while the lifeguard checks the chlorine levels with her legs submerged in the water. Jimin turns the light on in his little office with cleaning supplies and little stocks of towels, rags, toilet paper and paper towels. He removes the hand radio and charges it before pulling out his phone and sees that he received a text from his girlfriend.

Ji Eun 💜
Sent at 18:50

Jimin dials her number. "She must be here." Jimin was ecstatic. How he couldn't wait to talk to her and hug her as soon as he was off work. His smile doesn't last though as his call went straight to her voicemail. Slightly disappointed that she didn't pick up.

"Hi, this is Aryanna Kim. I can't answer your call right now but I'll get back to you later. Bye~"

"Jagiya," Jimin chimes. "I can't wait to see you. I'm sorry I'm not there to pick you up. I had agreed to work overtime since Nick called in sick today. Listen, I've missed you so much and I can't wait to hug you and kiss you. Call me as soon as you can my love. See you soon."

Jimin sends the message and hangs up. As soon as he had put his phone into his back pocket, Namjoon knocks on the door.


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