Ch. 09

286 9 4

   Your phone goes off due to receiving a text. You get off the sofa and pause your movie as you go to retrieve it from the kitchen since you left it on the countertop. As you head back to the living room, you read a message from Jimin. After his party was over yesterday, he came over to apologize for So Yeon's behavior. During his short visit, he had given you his number and you gave him yours.

< Want to go out for coffee?
Read at 10:46 AM

You smiled and respond to his text.

Sure 😄>
Sent at 10:46 AM

< Great. I'll pick you up in 10.
Read at 10:47 AM

You run over to your bedroom and rummage through your drawer as you look for some shirts. You find a white blouse followed by dark blue jeans and you grinned. You weren't much of a girly dresser but you wanted to try it out for once. After all your mother said that if you wanted a guys attention, and you wanted one guy's attention, you had to dress to impress.

"Hair down or hair up?"

You asked yourself as you stood before your vanity mirror and fixed one side of you hair up while the other stayed down. You came to the final conclusion that you would have your hair put up since it was just for coffee that you were going out for. As you tie your hair up, your phone vibrates and you pick it up to read a message. Your eyes stared at the unknown text before you replied.

< Hi princess
Read at 10:47 AM

Who is this? >
Sent at 10:47 AM

< You're very pretty you know
< You have a beautiful smile
< It was so nice to see you at his birthday party yesterday
Read at 10:50 AM

You felt goosebumps break out and you looked at yourself.

"Who is this person? How'd they get my number?"

It was the same unknown number that had texted you the first time when you came to Seoul. You were thinking it could have been your sister fooling around with you, like she usually would, but that would be impossible. You looked out the bedroom window and thought that it could be So Hee but she wouldn't mess around with you like this.

How did you get my number? >
Sent at 10:51 AM

< I left you something at your door 💜
< I hope you love it Ji Eun
Read at 10:51 AM

You shut your phone off and stand up, hurrying to the door so you can see who the person was that was texting you. You grabbed the doorknob, turning it and pulling your door open to see nobody. You poked your head out to see no one was in the halls.


You say under your breath and then look down to see a small black box with a black silk bow tie. You were really hoping to spot the culprit creepo and ask them how they ended up with your number and also if it was Jung Kook, Jimin , Jae Yeon or Jae Min who set you up like this. But they all seemed very friendly, then again your judgement could be wrong about them. But it was still stupid of you to quickly jump to conclusion that your new neighbors were setting you up like this.

You shut your door as you looked down at the box in your hand. Wondering what contents was held inside. You fingers pulled at the silk, undoing the bow until it became one long silk string. You sat down on the sofa, hesitant to open the box because who knows what the creep may have put in there. It could be a noxious bomb or anything. You slowly set down the small box and pick up your phone and text Jimin.

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