Ch. 32

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⚠️ Trigger Warning - This chapter includes r4pe. If you don't want to read please skip this chapter. ⚠️



   Jung Kook adjusts the straps on my wrists a bit too tightly. I wince in pain, disrupting his peace. He looks at me with annoyance laced in his eyes.

"Make any more noise and I will slit your throat."

   With that threat, I try my very best to endure the pain in silence. I was laying in his bed, wearing a thin gown he changed me into. The air in his bedroom was putrid and every second I spent here, I felt like I was about to pass out. A mixture of old milk, dirty clothes and rotten eggs. It took a crazy amount of self control not to vomit. I stared at my wrists strapped to the headboard above my head. Wondering what he was planning to do to me. Filled with fear and curiosity as I watched Jung Kook walk over to his drawer and pulling out a condom. I widen my eyes and begin to move in place. Shaking my head no, breaking my silence by repeatedly saying no.

   Jung Kook ignores my pleads and begins to remove his belt, giving me the coldest, emptiest stare. I shiver in fear, tears beginning to fall from my eyes as they stream down my face.

"Jung Kook, no- please. I-I'm not ready." He lifts up his shirt and throws it behind him. If I wasn't held captive and mistreated by him, the way he removed his shirt and seeing him half naked would have been a blessing. But given the circumstances, I was more fearful of him. Instead of wanting to be touched and kissed by him, I wanted to run away. Jung Kook dims the lights, my heart pounding inside of my chest. I cry helplessly as I kick him away from me.

"Oh, So Hee." Jung Kook harshly grabs my left ankle, squeezing it with his hand. I wince and beg him once more to stop. His finger trails up my left leg.

"I want to wait till marriage Jung Kook." He continues to caress my leg, slowly making his way up my thigh. I couldn't stand the tingling sensation caused by his fingers. The way he was touching me was making me feel sick to my stomach. His eyes never leaving my body. I could see the cold expression was replaced with lust and hunger. I continued to cry and whimper in fear. Fear of being raped and have my virginity taken from me by a murderous stalker.

"Please don't. Don't do this." I yank at the straps that bound me, trying my best to break them. Jung Kook ignores me and fixes himself sitting over my legs, I couldn't help but notice his muscles flex with every little movement he made. They weren't very big but he was still strong and fit. My cries subside and I try my very best to remain calm but it was no use. I was terrified of what is going to happen. This was not how I wanted to lose my virginity.

"No amount of pleads will stop me, So Hee."Jung Kook breaks the silence, looking directly at me. I remained silent as we both stared at each other. My heart beating much faster; becoming louder. I watch as he slowly lifts up the gown, revealing my underwear. My breath hitches and I shutter under his touch. I cried silently as he pulls my underwear off and drops them on the floor.

"Don't!" I cross my legs and try my best to keep them closed. Jung Kook grabs hold of my legs and forces them apart. I scream in pain and vigorously moved around. He puts his hand over my mouth and I can hear him unzip his pants. I scream despite his hand covering my mouth. He successfully removed both pants and underwear, leaving himself fully naked. Seeing as I won't stop crying, he angrily gets off of me and walks to his drawer again.

"I have no choice but to use this." He reveals a gag, my cries never subside as he comes back to me. Before he put the gag in my mouth, he gave me a very hard slap that sent a jolt of excruciating, burning pain on the left side of my face. It felt like I was hit with a hard object. I scream in agony and then he jerks my head to face him, now placing the gag. I can taste the blood in my mouth. I look over to see Jung Kook putting on the rubber, I close my legs again and screamed. My throat began to burn from the excessive screaming but I didn't care. It didn't stop him though. He positions himself, licking his lips as his eyes violated my chest and neck. The intensity in his eyes was frightening. Tonight, he was my predator and I was his prey. He lifted my right leg and before I could even pull it down, I feel a sharp burning pain down below. It felt like I was cut with a sharp knife and the cut was going deeper. I move my wrists, crying and wishing in this moment I had been shot in the head. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable for me.  HE'S R4PING ME! STOP! STOP IT FUCKING HURTS!!! PLEASE STOP JUNG KOOK!!

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