Ch. 18

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"Halmeoni~" You called out, beaming with excitement. Jimin held two bags full of groceries and tissue for your grandma. You both had forgotten to buy her something as a gift the last time you both came together.

   You hear her shuffling her feet and popping out from the hallway, a gleaming smile on her face.

"Sonnyeo, Jimin-ah. You guys came to visit me." She opens her arms to hug the both of you. She noticed the bags. "Oh thank you guys. You didn't have to buy me anything."

   You helped her with the groceries while Jimin went to go put the tissue into the little closet in her bathroom. You set down the spices on the counter and peek over your shoulder for Jimin. He wasn't around and you leaned over to your grandma.

"Jimin asked me out this morning."

"That's great! Now you two just have to get married and I'll have little grand kids!"

   Your mouth drops. "Hey, that's too soon."

   Your grandma laughs and rubs your back in small circular motions.

"I'm just teasing you my sonnyeo. Although grandkids would be nice. Your father never lets his kids come and see me. I'm not even sure if they know I'm their halmeoni." There was a hint of sadness in her voice and you can see the lonely pain in her eyes. You sympathized for her and you wished your dad wasn't such a jerk to keep her from seeing her grandkids. It's bad enough that her son divorced his first wife and your grandma wasn't fond of it. Suddenly your phone goes off and you quickly put the kimchi paste into the refrigerator and sigh at who was calling.

"Speak of the devil."

   You answer the phone.

"Hey dad."

"Hi Ji Eun." Your dad tells his coworker that he was on the phone with his daughter. You continue to put away the groceries with your grandma. "Listen, I don't think I'll be making it back to Seoul any time soon and I am worried about your grandmother's well being."

   You see your boyfriend enter the kitchen and begins helping your grandma putting things away.

"So I'm staying here another month?"

"Yes. But only if you'd like. I won't force you to stay besides I know what a terrible father I am. Never calling you and your sister, barely speaking to your mother."

   And there it was. The guilt card. He played it so often with you and your mom whenever he needed a favor done. You took an inward sigh. You wanted to call his game and spit venomous words at him but you had something in mind. You tell your grandma and boyfriend that you're going to be outside and be on the phone.

"Alright. I'll help your halmeoni clean the vegetables." Jimin gives you a peck on the cheek and you smile. Your grandma in awe at the sight and found it adorable. Thinking that the both of you were a perfect match. You step outside of your grandma's house and sit on the little steps.

"You don't need to play the guilt card dad. You've done this so many times, I'm surprised you still keep at it." Your dad listens to you speak. "Also, I don't mind staying here another month. What I do want in return is your kids to see grandma."


"She never sees your kids. She already doesn't see Aaliyah and I as much. Dad," You sigh. "Why don't you let her see your kids? She really wants to meet them."

   Your dads silence was louder than anything. After a good five minutes he decides to speak.

"Dasom and I aren't on the best of terms right now sweetheart. She brought her kids back to Ilsan about three weeks ago to visit her parents."

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