Ch. 42

35 3 0

⚠️ Trigger Warning:
There's going to be blood and stabbing.
Please don't read if you're not comfortable ⚠️

"I need my clothes." I tell him as I sat on the couch while he stood before me and stared down at me.

"Use mine." Jung Kook suggests then pulls me by my right arm to stand, leading me to his bedroom before I even got a chance to tell him no. My left wrist was pulsing with pain and I wanted to tell him to bring me to the ER to cast it. As he lead me towards the door, I watched him pull out a key. It was strange. His bedroom door was padlocked. I stood behind him and continued to watch as he unlocked it and place the padlock in his pocket along with the keys. As he opens his door, I smell an old rancid odor coming from his room and saw many of his clothes on the floor, half a bag of rice and many other things. Including my faces in photos that hung around his walls. I shivered and remained outside of his bedroom. Covering my nose as I couldn't stand the smell.

"Son of a bitch." Jung Kook curses in a frustrated tone. The window was open and there was also a bedsheet, pillow cases, blankets tied together leading out the window. Jung Kook saw the makeshift rope and hurried to the window.

"That bitch escaped!" Jung Kook pulls in the makeshift rope and slams his window closed shut. Turning around I can imagine red flames flaring in his eyes. I avoided his eyes and looked inside. So Hee. Of course how could I have forgotten she was here. I hope she ran away to get help from the police. I stepped to the side as Jung Kook heads into the kitchen. Meanwhile I hear a soft muffled cry coming from under his bed. The one place he hasn't checked yet. I peak over my shoulder and listened for his footsteps, he was still in the kitchen. I hurry over to the bed and kneel down then look under. To my surprise it was So Hee. She was startled by my sudden appearance and backed away before realization dawned on her that it was only me. She reaches out her hand and holds mine. Seeing as my left wrist was swollen and red, she knew that Jung Kook had harmed me.

"So Hee? I thought you escaped."

"N-No. I want him to think that so I can run out the door." Her voice was soft and shaking and her eyes were red from crying.

"So Hee, you need to find a better hiding place."

She shakes her head no. "I-I can't. He-He He'll find me! Ji Eun please." She holds my hand and begins to cry. My heart broke at the sight of her sullen state. I cried with her and quickly helped her out from under the bed. She looked thinner and much more pale. She hugged me so tight I was afraid to let go but I needed her to hide.

"So Hee," I wipe my tears away as she broke the hug. "Hide in the closet."

So Hee shakes her head no and shutters as she and I both hear Jung Kook's footsteps coming towards the bedroom. She began to shake and without a second thought I lead her to the closet and begin to close the door shut. As soon as I had turned around, Jung Kook stops in the middle of the doorway and looks at me. I hold my breath and tried to stop myself from shaking.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just.. looking around."

"Who were you talking to?" He gave me a skeptical look before approaching me and I backed away from him.

"I-I was talking to myself. You..." I look at the wall decorated with photos of me. "You have a lot of pictures." I pointed them out.

"Don't lie to me Ji Eun." Jung Kook grabs my wrist with a tight grip. "Who were you talking to?"

"N-No one." I stammer while he pushes me towards the wall. His other hand around my neck to which I begin to panic. "I swear!"

   With that, he begins to choke me and I try my best to remove his hand and push him away. I can feel the pressure growing stronger and I couldn't even utter a single word. His eyes, how they could pierce right through me. Anger flared within him and it was getting harder for me to fight back. He wouldn't let go. This is how I die. Being strangled to death by my psychotic stalker. My hold on his shirt softened and I was nearing my death. Before I knew it, So Hee comes out of the closet and jumps on his back. Jung Kook let's me go and I fall down, in a heavy fit of coughing while I take a deep and raspy breath.

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