Ch. 14

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"Jung Kook!" Ji Eun chimes as he enters Jimin's apartment. He gives a weak wave then shuts the door behind him, removing his shoes and leaving them on the rack. He really didn't want to be noticed so quickly when he came over. He was still bothered by Yong Bin's joke. He was also distraught by Jimin. The thought of him kissing Ji Eun or even showing some skinship was bothersome. He didn't want Jimin to be anywhere near her. This was how he was. Get to know her, get close to her and then swoop her off her feet and then voila, they're dating. He wanted to stop that from happening.

Ji Eun wore a black T-shirt and some pink pajama pants. Her hair done in Dutch braids. Wearing a pink cat eared head band people normally use when they're going to do their make up routine and at the end of the day, face cleaning routine. How cute. Jung Kook thinks to himself. I want to pinch her cheeks and boop her nose. Because how and why is she this adorable? It is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. Jung Kook couldn't keep his eyes off her. The way her smile warmed his heart, her voice was like music to his ears. Soft, smooth and calming. It made him feel calm and safe.

He smiles some more, entranced by her voice. But it is cut short when he hears Jimin. He's brought to his senses and feels malice growing inside his heart. Jung Kook makes eye contact with Jimin. Wearing a gray long sleeve shirt with black sweats. Hair damp and his face glowing. He was in the shower not too long ago and just finished his routine.

"Hey Jung Kook."

"Hi Jimin." He forces himself to smile and go in for a handshake and a hug. Ji Eun noticed this little detail and then brushed it off, heads towards the bathroom.

"Where's Yong Bin?"

"He'll be here soon. He went to go drop off his baby sister to his mother's."

Ha Yeon. I miss that cutie pie. Jung Kook gives a faint smile at the thought of Yong Bin's little sister. A funny, cute ball of energy. Cute little button nose, deep dimples on both sides of her cheeks. She has a habit of scrunching her nose when she thinks about something. Her imagination as wild as every toddlers but still entertaining. Now that he thought about her, Jung Kook missed her occasional visits. And the little trinkets she'd give him. Jung Kook still had that little button bracelet she made for him a month ago. Cute black buttons with grayish round beads.

"Oppa! I made this for you. A bracelet!"

Jung Kook turns around to see Ha Yeon holding out a black button bracelet and wearing a big smile on her face. He kneels down to her level and gives a big smile.

"Oh thank you! It's so pretty."

Ha Yeon puts it on Jung Kook's left wrist and jumps up, giddy about her favorite person receiving her gift in person. Jung Kook admired the little girl's gift and gave her a big hug followed by a little twirl and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm happy you like it Oppa. I made it with love! It protects you from monsters and bad people."

"It does?" Jung Kook asks playfully and fixes it. Ha Yeon nods.

"Yup! I'm even making Yong Bin Oppa one too! I'm almost done but his is going to be blue buttons with white beads."

"Ooh, that sounds very good Ha Yeon."

Jung Kook sees Ha Yeon turn her little heels and run to her bedroom, sitting at her little princess table and making her olde brother a bracelet.

"Jung Kook." Jimin calls his name. "Jung Kook-ah."

Jung Kook blinks himself back to reality and looks at Jimin who was holding a little box of DVDs. Brows raised in confusion as he waited for the youngers reply.

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