"I don't care." Jimin smiles, completely serious as he stuffs a second steaming bite into his awaiting mouth. This time he forgets to blow on it, and it's a little too steamy for his poor tongue to handle. He quickly gulps down a mouthful of ice cold cola to alleviate the burning sensation and looks back up at B with a sheepish smirk, "If you don't like this, than I'm buying you something else to eat. That's not debatable."

      B blinks at her companion, sensing the seriousness hidden behind the boy's dorky smile.

      "I guess I better like it, then." B mutters, staring down at the single bite suspended on the end of her utensil, "Well-- here goes nothing."

      And with that she takes her first bite.

      Jimin watches her carefully, looking for any hint of disgust or distaste on her face. To his surprise, she doesn't show a glimpse of either. Instead she takes another hesitant bite, cocking her head to the side in thought as she chews. They sit in silence as B comes to a decision, Jimin silently clenching his hands under the table as he hopes his angel doesn't hate what he chose for her.

      "Well?" Jimin asks, trying to hide his nervousness with a cheesy grin. Jimin doesn't know how she can always tell when he's acting, but she raises a dark eyebrow, her expression a void of incredulity. Jimin drops the fake smile, his mouth turning down as he glances over at her in worry, "Is- is it alright? Do you hate it?"

      "Oppa's kimchi fried rice is better." B states with finality, and Jimin's heart sinks into the depths of the ocean. But the girl takes yet another bite, this one exponentially larger than the previous two. Her small cheeks puff up, reminding Jimin of a chipmunk (an extremely beautiful chipmunk), and she politely swallows her bite before opening her mouth to speak, "But we should definitely get Italian more often."

      "You like it?" The weight finally evaporates off of Jimin's shoulders, leaving him feeling nearly ecstatic, "Really?"

      "Mhm." B nods once, and takes another bite, "This is yummy."

      She likes it! Relief floods Jimin and he slouches back in his chair, letting out a deep breath. A grin slowly crawls it's way onto Jimin's face, lighting up his features like disco ball. She likes what I chose for her! She doesn't hate it! She isn't disgusted with me! Not that she would be because of pasta, but--

      "Are you actually going to eat that, Noise Boy?" B drones, her voice snapping Jimin out of his mini self-scolding, "Or are you going to keep sitting there, smiling like a pabo?"

       Needless to say, Jimin picks up his fork and resumes eating.

*          *          *

      "I don't know if I can eat any dessert." Judging by the tone of her voice, B is probably pouting, but Jimin can't see her face from where it's hidden behind the restaurant's laminated dessert menu, "I ate too much already."

      I don't think you've eaten enough. Jimin stares over at her plate, which is still half full of creamy pasta. The serving had been large, but she still hadn't eaten near enough for Jimin's liking. He stares down at his own empty plate, wishing he had the guts to pick up her fork and force-feed her the rest of her meal. Hyung's been feeding you as well as he can, but you still aren't gaining enough weight, and you're leaving tomorrow! I don't want to watch you slowly work yourself to death, but what can I do? You love your job too much to leave.

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