Decisions we make

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Jah held his finger up and looked down at his legs. "Hold up.." he needed a moment to process this information.

"Baby look-" she pleaded, trying to grab his hand to feel connected to him, but he immediately moved his hand away.

"Don't baby me."

Her heart was crushing and the pieces were beginning to fall.

"Look, I know I lied to you, okay? But I need to talk to you about something more important." She said.

"Is it life or death?" He asked

She paused. "Well, n-no."

"Then it's not more important. Stacy, you told me I was your first! Those were words out of your mouth! What's next? What else you wanna tell me?"

"Can you not treat me like that?" She asked along with a sniffle.

"Like a liar?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay!" She said semi loudly. She was getting frustrated by being talked to like this, especially after all she's done for him. "I'm trying to be honest with you here, isn't that what you wanted?"

Jahlil altered his sitting position. "Stacy, you can't decide to tell me something like that after a year of lying to me about it and expect me to to be cool with the shit."

"Okay, I know, and I'm sorry." Stacy finally said with calmness in her voice. She looked at the face of her boyfriend and saw that he was hurt and disappointed. As soon as she was about to wrap her arm around his neck to comfort, he began to speak.

"Why was he calling you like that?" His fingers were interlocked as he was leaning forward with his forearms rested upon his knees.

Stacy's heart dropped. Was she really about to tell him? I guess she had too. She really did not want to see the look on his face when it came out. It was gonna make more broken pieces fall off her heart.

She got one last look of the side of his face and then began. "You remember your car wreck?"

"What about it?"

Flashback 5 months ago

"It says here that Jahlil McGee isn't covered under insurance so in order to move on this surgery we are gonna need a minimum payment in cash."

Stacy, Dwayne, Hao, and Kendra all were in a meeting room in the hospital with a worker, the rest of VTP were at work but planned on swinging by later. All of their hearts slowly started sinking as each word was coming out of the lady's mouth. They just knew where this was going.

"Yo, you playing right?" Dwayne said. "My brother in there need surgery on his spine in order to walk again and y'all talking about is money?"

"How much is minimum?" Stacy asked with a sigh.

"Man fuck all that shit, how they asking for money already, he was admitted and hour ago!" Dwayne was not feeling anything that was being said and was ready to snap the table in half.

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